Chapter 7: You Belong With Me

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Chapter 7: You Belong With Me

~*N. Rose POV*~

            I don’t know if Austin actually meant those things, they took me by surprise to be honest.  I didn’t know what to do! It’s like my heart was split into two pieces then one thousand more; to think that he still has feelings for me, and won’t let those feelings go away while I’m trying to make those feelings get out of me.

            He’s the one! A voice said in the back of my mind.

            I don’t know; maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. I thought back.

            Ash, take this from me, you voice, Tess, he’s the one.

            What?! Tex? Okay, that’s just a tad bit freaky. Maybe I do need to go to a mental hospital, A.S.A.P.

            I sat behind Austin and my dad behind Robert. There was more guilt in me by the second; I’m lying to Austin. Hell, I’ve been lying to him since that Saturday I found out I was pregnant. I’m going to lie to him for the rest of mine and his child’s life.

            To: Austin-Boo(:

            Did you really mean that?

            I tapped my fingers nervously on my phone and my foot at an unsteady pace.

            From: Austin-Boo(:

            Yeah. I didn’t know you were there.

            To: Austin-Boo(:

            I’m full of surprises.

            From: Austin-Boo(:

            What’s that supposed to mean?

            To: Austin-Boo(:

            I…I… still love you….

            From: Austin-Boo(:

            I still love you too.

            To: Austin-Boo(:

            I know this sounds a little rushed and everything, but can we try ‘us’ one more time?

            “Would love too.” Austin smiled to me.

            I felt butterflies in my stomach and them flying around with joy and utter shock. I felt warmth all over my body. This moment felt so right; like a, like a, I don’t how to explain this simple feeling. It felt like we were a family; the baby has a dad and a mom. Like we were a family for once in a three time month period.

~*A. Mahone POV~*

           She wanted me again. We would be that couple again from Texas were everybody supported: #Nustin or #Austasha. Robert and Alex came up with those shipping names and I don’t know why me and Ash let them make them; I swear to god.

            I gently, some-how, touched her hand; she suddenly got warm, knowing she was also happy we were together. This moment made me smile; a smile so big that you could see a small, faded side dimple.

            Management has put me up with so many girls so we can be the ‘it couple.’ It never worked out, to be honest. Management doesn’t really know how I like girls and such. I’m not a “man-whore” that wants girls, like what hate accounts tell me on twitter.

            Like, the girls were either too touchy or a major flirt; don’t get me wrong, flirting, it’s a’ight, but too much of a flirt, yeah, major turn-off right there. Mostly, all the turn-offs on my list, they would do it and it got so freaking annoying!

            They would say to me: I feel butterflies in my stomach when I see you. ‘You’re the one’ I mean, they’re great, amazing girls, but move up the steps too fast! Like when I say fast, it’s like fast!

            But with Ash, it was different; yeah we took it a little too far when we had sex, but I felt like we were meant to do that. Yeah, she’s in tenth grade and I’m supposed to be a junior and everything, but there’s multiple teens across America who are doing it too, not just us!

            I really don’t know if Ash had a boyfriend during our break-up, but me and her, man, me and her—

            Are meant to be.

xx        xx

I feel bad for you guys! I gave you a crappy chapter, haven’t uploaded in like almost a months/three and a half weeks!

Like I feel like the chapters are too short and everything!

Oh and!- Here are the names for the whole ‘To Be Loved By Me’ series!:

Book 1: Leaving

Book 2: Come Back to Love

Book 3: Between Us

Book 4: Diamonds and Pearls

You likey!????!!!! And you see that picture on the side??>>> Yeah, try to remember it for the fourth book! 5 vots 3 comments?

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