Chapter 12: I'm Done, I Give Up

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When you see two shirtless guys walking up to your school on the last full day of school, and to top it all off, they're white and aren't even cute...

Chapter 12: I’m Done, I Give Up

            I quickly got my laptop and ran into the garage. What was he doing here?

            I heard him open the door and yelled my nicknames: Ash, Nat, Asha, and Natty. I remember the last time he called me those names, it felt so long ago.

            We were at Tyler’s house, and we were all pretty much in shock; Mr. Mahone had died, I’m pregnant, and I told Austin I’m moving; this day wasn’t my day, and I felt like I was carrying the world on my shoulders, and I couldn’t do anything to get them off. I knew I should end mine and Austin’s relationship, and give up everything, but there was something in me telling me I shouldn’t.

            “Let’s cheer up the mood, I feel like I’m turning into a zombie each second, and trust me, it’s not feeling beautiful,” Robert said, breaking the silence.

            We all stood up from Tyler’s couch and walked to the back-yard and laid down on the grass, letting the moisture of it making outside become a little cooler.

            “Sometimes, I wonder, if any stars out there in space actually have names, you know?” Austin asked, covering his face on the side of my neck, making goose bumps go down my spine.

            “I bet there is, and if there isn’t why don’t we name them right now? The stars are very noticeable right now,” I said, moving Austin’s head out of my neck, and resting my head on his chest. His biceps wrapped around my shoulders, making me warm a little.

            “Let’s do it,” Robert laughed, accepting it like it was a challenge.

            “I’m going to name that one, Mave; Dave and Michele mixed together,” I smiled at myself, pointing at a star above me, and near the moon; it was also next to the brightest star.

            “That one, it’s going to be called Ash, and that one, Natty, and that one Natasha, and that on Nat, and last but not least, that one Asha.” Austin kissed my head, making me blush; I was glad it was dark and nobody could see my blush.

            “Yeah, yeah, look at the couple, naming stars after their future spouse,” Alex nudged my side. Sarah laughed a little, then kissed Alex on the lips, making me smile a little.

            “Natty, Natty, Natty,” Austin chimed. “Natty, Natty, Natty.” This time, it was a little louder.

            “Austin, who are you calling,” a male voice said.

            “Austin, who are you calling?” Angelica asked.

            That’s where I snapped out of my flashback moment; it hit me like a ton of bricks; it was my dad who originally asked what Angelica said, and with her saying it, it felt like I was going to be a loner for the rest of my life.

            “Somebody, a friend of mine,” he sighed, opening and closing doors.

            “Oh, I’m going to In-N-Out, it’s two streets away,” she said, probably losing interest already.

            I heard him mumbled something, like he didn’t really care; his footsteps coming closer to me. Panic. Scared.

            That’s when he opened the door.

            First instinct? Well it was to go up to him and kiss him. I quickly pulled away, ran upstairs to my mom’s bathroom and hid in the bathtub.

            “Natasha Brytus Rose! Nat, come out! I need to tell you the reason behind me and Angelica,” he yelled, slamming the garage door.

            I cried more, but quiet enough so he wouldn’t hear me.

            Was he going to rub his relationship life in my face, while I’m single and having his child? Say he’s taken, while I’m still suffering from the ‘not-announced’ breakup. Tell me about their dates already?

            I quickly got my phone out and dialed his number.

            “I’m done with you like how your done with me.” I cried.

            “Wait, what?” he asked.

            “I’m. Done. Austin. I give up on you.”

            “Natasha, tell me you don’t mean it,” he faintly whispered.

            “Oh, you don’t know how bad I wish I could say I didn’t mean it.” Tears slowly going down my cheeks.

            “Your lying.” He told me, heart-broken in his voice, making my heart shatter to billions of pieces.

            “I’m not Austin; only you,” I said, getting out of the bathtub and grabbing a razor off of the counter.

            “Only me what?”

            “I only loved you, I only loved you, Austin Mahone.” I hung up.

            I heard Austin throw his phone and slam the front door.

            I cried my heart out, like my life depended on it. I got the razor and slid it down my right left forearm. It stinged at first, but I kept cutting my skin. Some cutes larger than others; but one thing that was the same of the cuts were: losing my blood, and losing my love, Austin, and last but not least, not being strong anymore.

            “Natasha! Natasha! Natasha!” 4 voices yelled for my name.

            I only shouted for one name that I would always trust no matter what this person did; the person who was my brother. “Robert,” I faintly shouted, before my mind and my world went black.


So I have some news! It’s about the future books! (I changed one title, but it’s not coming out for a while)

Book 1: Leaving

Book 2: Come Back To Love

Book 3: What About Love

Book 4: Diamonds and Pearls

I changed the third book after watching the ‘What About Love’ Pre-View! Oh. My. Buh-Jesus. My ovaries exploded during his facial expressions!

Haha! And about the last authors note on the last chapter, I’m doing a little better, @cheater1_0_1 mostly helped me, I explained mostly everything to her.

But yeah! Now I have to remake the cover of ‘Between Us’ to ‘What About Love’! Excited! Oh, and read What Hurts The Most so it can get 1000+ reads so I can post the trailer! Woop woop!

Teaser: Another person finds out about the pregnancy, wait TWO!- more people find out about the baby, but who?! And will we know how they react? And Austin! Austin drama in the next chapter!(;

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Edited: 07/03

Leaving {Austin Mahone Fan Fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora