Chapter 13: Go Away

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Jaime, seriously, cool you have a higher education than me and use it to make me look like an idiot! But I have middle finger and I can use it to you to make you look like a d-bag! (;


Chapter 13: Go Away



            Where am I?


            Am I in the hospital?


            Is my baby okay?


            What happened?


            Wait, did I have a miscarriage?

           I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to my surroundings, and adjusting to the bright lights around me. I hated hospitals, especially after my mom’s miscarriage after me; I was thirteen at the moment.

            “Daddy, where is mom? She’s going to okay, right?” I asked my dad for the millionth time for the pass two hours in the hospital waiting room.

            “Yes, Natasha; they’re just checking on your baby sister, to see if she’s okay, don’t worry,” he smiled, but a fake one, kissing me on the cheek and patting my head.

            “I’m not a dog,” I mumbled under my breath, crossing my arms.

            “Mr. Brytus,” a female doctor said, her head poking behind the door with a clipboard next to her head; she looked pretty, pretty curly brown hair, and tanned, like a Native American kind of color; she had a British accent, which was to die for, for me that is. She was so kind and sweet.

            “Coming,” my dad raised his index finger and ran across the room to her side. All I heard was whispering, and my dad nodding. “Do it, I don’t care if I become broke after this, I want to know what’s wrong with my wife and Sabrina!”

            My eyes grew, I never seen my dad yell at a doctor or a nurse; I got my iPod out and put on some music to make time go by faster. “Mom is going to be okay, Sabrina is also going to be okay, just pray for them and nothing is going to happen; just don’t have bad things in your head.” I thought to myself.

            In a couple of minutes, my dad went back to the door to the doctor and came back with his eyes red.

            “Dad, what’s wrong?” I asked, snapping my earphones out of my ears and looking at my dad.

            “Something’s wrong with your mom and Sabrina, the doctors don’t know what it is though.”

            “David!” Mrs. Mahone came into the living room, rushing to mine and my dad’s aid. “I’m so sorry about Sabrina.”

            “What, what’s wrong with Sabrina?!” I shouted, standing up and looking at Mrs. Mahone and my dad.

            “You-you didn’t tell her yet,” Mr. Mahone asked, giving my dad a look.

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