Chapter 4: I Won't Give Up

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Chapter 4: I Won’t Give Up

            My mom had my luggage in the trunk. I was crying the whole way while my mom was driving us to the airport. I stopped crying knowing that my mom would also start to cry.

            “Here’s your ticket, and don’t lose it. You and I have first class and sitting next to each other; and just for you, they aren’t the seats in the middle.” My mom sighed, handing me the ticket and opening the trunk.

            A car honked behind us, making me jump and send goose bumps on my arm. I turned around and saw more cars coming my way. My 3 little brothers ran towards me, hugging me legs tightly.

            “Take care of daddy.” I patted their heads, sniffling back the tears that were about to fall out of my eyes.

            “Ha, maybe take care of yourself.” One of my little brothers chuckled.

            “Use birth control and condoms.” Robert laughed, giving me a hug. I chuckled at his ‘Good-bye and stay safe’ little statement.

            Nobody was focusing on me and Robert, so he took the chance to start rubbing circles on my small/big stomach.

            Everybody and a couple security guards helped my mom and I with the luggage.

            “This is it.” My dad sighed, handing me of the of luggage’s. The security people rolled along with the extra bags and supplies to put in the cargo hole.

            I hugged Alex and Sarah, who both wished me luck through the next couple of months and wished me the very best for myself and the baby. I’m glad that I could put them under the term friends instead of Oh hey, I know you!

            My mom already entered the plane and I was saying good-bye to Robert for like what?- the second time?

            “Please, please take care. I love you both too much.” Robert hugged me tight, but not tight enough where I was choking.

            I nodded, and kissed his cheeks; like what I would always do when the one of us had to go on school trips or vacations.

            He rubbed my baby bump again and kissed it, a lot.

            “Natasha!? You are pregnant!?” Austin yelled from a far, running towards me and the group.

            “Text me when you get there and remember, don’t drink and drive! I hope you had a lovely visit here and bye!” Robert pushed me, handing the lady, who was looking at us with a look, my ticket.

            I looked back and saw my Dad hold back Austin. I told my Dad that I was pregnant about two months ago; and it was weird that he didn’t go off throwing me questions and kicking me out of the house.

            “Dave, that’s my girlfriend! Your pregnant daughter! Dave, please! She’s pregnant!” Austin shouted, banging on my Dad’s chest, and tears coming from his eyes.

            Our eyes meet and I waved good-bye.

xx        xx

      2 Hours Later

            I was getting a lot of texts from Austin asking if I was pregnant and all and kept calling me.

            Once we landed, I decided to call him. I can’t ignore him forever.

            “Are you?” he asked.

            “No, I swear. It’s just that Robert really wanted me to be pregnant… and you know how he is.” I sighed.

            “Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I just don’t want lies to ruin our relationship.” He sighed as well. Well, I have one huge lie that would probably ruin our relationship.

            “Don’t you, forget about me.” I cried, knowing I was in a weak state right now.

            “Babe, babe, don’t cry.” He whispered to me. If we was next to me, he would probably be asking what was wrong and if we wanted to go somewhere to cheer me up.

            “Don’t leave me heartbroken. Don’t break up with me,” I faintly cried, “don’t ever feel I don’t love you. I won’t give up on us.”

            “I won’t give up on us.” He said before we exchanged our good-byes and hung up.

            “I won’t give up on us.” I cried, rubbing my stomach.

            People were passing by me and giving me strange looks. I don’t care if they do; I have a baby that is the world to me and a mom that supports me no matter what.

            “Daddy loves you; he loves you a lot. And I love you. You have parents who love you so-so much.” I faintly whispered to my six week unborn baby.

            I followed my mom outside and thought how I’m going to handle the next seven months by myself and without Austin.


So… I just really this book! It’s my first ever Austin Mahone book and I love it!

So that’s chapter four! And I have the whole book planned out!

AND!!- Andrea Russett plays Natasha Rose! (: (:

Oh, and updates aren’t slow or on hold; I just want to see if people actually like this book by: reading, voting, and commenting.

How ‘bout:


            3 votes

For a long chapter five?



P.P.P.S 3/5 of the crew knows me but on 1/5 of them followed me! Robert, Alex, and Zach know me because of twitter (Zach) or reading off my YouNow comment (Alex and Robert)

Edited: 07/03; tell me if there's more mistakes, thank you!

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