Chapter 9: They Don't Know About Us [Part 1]

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Party like a rock star! I swear I’ll do anything that I have too!


Chapter 9: They Don’t Know About Us [Part 1]


~*A. Mahone POV*~


            I told her and she froze, like literally. She didn’t say anything; this is, don’t laugh, the first time I told her from my heart. Yeah I probably said it over the phone, and we’ve said it before, but this time I meant it, and I think she knew I meant it.

            “I-I don’t know Austin; I-I just don’t know.” She whispered, faintly smiling at me.

            I nodded. “It’s okay; we’ll work it out.”

~*N. Rose POV*~


            I totally ditched the shower plan, so I just changed into a new, cute outfit.

            I walked downstairs to see the four most important men in my life: Alex, Austin, Robert, and my dad. I smiled at them, and getting four smiles back.

            “Okay, we are saying that you were a lucky Mahomie from the beginning of Austin’s videos, and you meet all of us before, and we meet again at the sotre and we decided to get lunch together. And your mom is friends with Auzzy’s  mom and that’s why we’re staying here. Got it?” Robert and Alex told me the whole plan.

            Dang, they could use the work ‘and’ less!

            I nodded, not really listening to the plan. But I’ll somehow remember, I hope.

            I doubt they’ll be any teenage girls around, so that means no big mobs. So that was somehow good I guess.

            We all walked into the truck and headed to the place we were going to eat. I’m literally starving; I mean, I’m feeding for two people! So I have a good reason to be hungry.

            “Yo, Alex, it’s a 65 m/ph free way! Not a 5 m/ph free way! I told Alex.

            “Haha, what’s your hurry?” Robert winked at me.

            “I’m hungry,” I whined, putting on my puppy-dog eyes.

            “And why are you so hungry, Natasha?” Alex asked.

            “Faggot,” I mumbled under my breath.

            “What? I couldn’t hear you?” He asked, smiling into the mirror.

            I flipped him off, making the guys started laughing besides Alex.

            “I should be getting my daughter in trouble, but I rather not.” My dad winked.

            Before I knew it, we were at Red Robin. I smiled; I’ve been craving their food here for such a long time!

            “And look! After lunch, you can go back to school!” Austin pointed across the street.

            “What time is it?” I asked, getting a little nervous.

            “11:46, why,” Robert gave me a look.

            “Nothing, c’mon; school ends in 3-4 hours!” I fake smiled, going inside.

            There was a reason why I asked for the time. It was almost second lunch and 10th and 12th graders each lunch in here, and they all know I’m pregnant! And they’ll always ask: How’s the baby? How do it feel being pregnant? And other questions.

            It was busy inside, but luckily, Alex somehow reserved an area for us.

            “I hope the five of you mind being  in our High School section. Here’s everything you’ll need and your waiter will be here in a couple of minutes.” She smiled.

            Shit, shit, shit!

            “Why did she say five?” Austin asked.

            “Uh…” Alex gulped.

            Wait! Alex is one, Robert is two, my dad is there, Austin is four, and I’m five. Okay, everything is good.

            “There are five of us total.” I whispered.

            “What, you’re preg-oh what, you’re right!” Austin chuckled, his face changing to a deep shade of red.

            I entered the booth, then Austin, then my dad. Alex and Robert were on the other side of us. I faintly smiled, Austin holding my hand under the table.

            Everybody was looking through the menu, not knowing what to eat. I also looked through the menu, wanting to order everything possible.

            “Hi, I’m Grace-Lynn and I’ll be your waiter for today! What can I get you guys to drink?” She asked, smiling at all of us.

            “Wait, is your twitter name @Grace_And_Finn?” I asked, smiling back at her.

            “Yeah,” she said. “How do you know that?”


            “Oh. My. God,” she said, standing perfectly still.

            I chuckled at her and the guys threw their ideal drinks for this place. I ordered a Sprite and a water with lemon.

            Once she left, everybody at the table was quiet and that only lasted about five seconds before Robert started laughing; which later caused our whole table to start laughing.

            “So, Natasha, how’s your relationship life?” My dad asked me.

            “It’s, ugm, good I guess. I broke up with this guy at my school about five days ago.” I shrugged, Austin’s grip tightening on my left hand as I finished my sentence.

            I looked at him, knowing he didn’t want to bring us yet, and I agreed with him. I mean, Sarah barely got the news that there was no more of me and Austin. She was crying, I think. I mean, I heard her weep and blow her nose, but why would she cry if my and Austin broke up…? Wait, Alex.

            I was in my own land, before somebody stood at our table.

            “Well, well. Is that Ms. Natasha Rose?”

            I looked up and—shit, I’m dead meat.


‘ello! This is only Part 1! I just needed to upload! I mean, two “chapters” in one day!? That’s cra-cray!

xD Okay, no long Author Notes! Haha!


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Love you all!   

Words: 850

Edited: 07/03

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