Chapter 18: Clark?-from Karina

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Maybe you shouldn’t come back, maybe you shouldn’t come back, baby; tired of being so sad, maybe you shouldn’t come back baby; stop, right now! You’ll only let me down, oh oh!


Chapter 18: Clark?-from Karina



            The crew, Sarah, Angelica, and I all got ready and made ourselves look presentable. This was difficult for Alex and Sarah; whom had to have .5 inches more of make-up than everybody else combined.

            Text from: Brytus

            I see you’re wearing my oversized college shirt…tsk tsk xo


            Text to: Brytus

            Why put ‘xo’ if you’re gonna offend me?! Psh, dad’s these days, what shame. Xxo.


            Text from: Brytus



            I left the conversation there since people were already entering the theater and I didn’t have a good comeback at my dad.

            Screams, chants, wand whimpering exploded everywhere; now this is going to be an amazing two hours for Mahomies, and the football players.

            “So, did you hear the news?” Robert asked, coming to my right side and Zachary at his side.

            “Uh, which means…what news? I’ve heard so many news today,” I chuckled.

            “The going out with one of the us news thing with the crew," Zach chuckled, getting confused on how to say it, which got me confused.

            “Oh…well, I was thinking of ditching that plan and say I don’t date monkeys,” I walked away, with a smirk on my face.

            “Gee, that sounds greats, but we all said you and I are official,” Robert said, running up to me and grabbing my right hand.

           “And of course, I wasn’t warning,” I sighed, not swatting his hand from mine. “Hey, Zach, buddy ol’ pal—” I started.

            “Peace!” he ran off, smiling at me.

            “Love birds!” my dad winked in mine and Robert’s direction.

            Best. Day. Of. My. Life

~~~***10 Minutes Later***~~~



            “Hey, I’m Natasha Rose!” I fake smiled.

            “And I’m Angelica!” Angelica also fake smiled.

            “Together, we’re the Daring Duo!” me and her exclaimed, going in different directions.

            “Who wants to ask Austin a question,” I asked, raising my eyebrow to the girls in front of me.

           They all screamed, raising their hands and yelling my name; I walked down the aisles, looking for no one in particular.

            “That girl,” Robert put his left hand on my waist, pointing at a girl with his right hand; making a small smile appear on my lips.

            Girls started screaming even louder, taking pictures of me and Robert and winking at me, making me blush. I followed the direction of Robert’s finger went.

            “What’s your question,” I asked the girl.

            “Its uhm: Austin, have you ever used your ‘Clark’ on a girl?” the girls read the question off of her phone.

            “What is Clark!” Austin exclaimed looking at my dad, to his mom to the crowed.


To: Austin My-hoe

            Clark is your…male reproductive thing you idiot! xD


            Yes I changed his name from: Austin-Boo(: ♥ to Austin My-hoe since it sounded better and funnier if people asked who I was texting.

            Austin got his phone out and said, “Well, what you mean by that? And what’s your name?”

            “Like…all nighter, gates, and all that; and I’m Karina Raigoza, you know from second grade,” she smiled.

            “For that, I would say…no; not at all and never; I’m going to have sex with the person I love with all my life, and turn that love into a child. And hey! No wonder your voice sounded familiar. So no, I haven’t had sex,” he said, with no emotion in his face.



The words you whispered I would always believe! I want chu to rock me! Sorry, that’s on Pandora right now! Woops?! xD


Teaser: Things happen between Austin and Angelica that she finds out by reading—wait, that’s too much details! So basically: Things happen between Austin and Angelica.




Words: 547


6 votes and 1-3 comments (due to the shortness of the next chap.!



Edited: 07/03

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