Chapter 19: Because of Me

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Last chapter before Epilogue!! #LeaversTilTheEnd


Chapter 19: Because of Me




            The “Ask Austin” was over and 99% of the crowed left, but the one percent stayed behind to get a picture with Austin or Sarah, Dave, Mama Mahone and the crew; it was good overall.

            “So you tired,” Angelica asked, nudging my shoulder.

            “Uh, yeah,” I said more of a question then a statement.

            “Hey, I’m sorry for being mean, I am; its that your life seemed so perfect and everything, I envied you. To be honest, I think Austin is a niece guy, but he doesn’t love me; he tries to, but we all know he loves you. He does, and if didn’t, you two wouldn’t have made a baby together,” she smiled, nudging my shoulder again.

            “Gee, thanks,” I gulped, “Angie?"

            She smiled again before walking towards Austin.

            That was just weird; she couldn’t have suddenly been nice and realized everything she’s done to me, could she? If she did, then why couldn’t she text it to me, or call me instead of saying stuff about me and Austin when he’s under the same roof as me; I had to think back on everything that made her finally realize this and why she did it right now; there had to be something that happened between her and Austin.

            “Just go away,” I heard Austin mumbled to Angelica, who had a devil-innocent-look on her face.

            “Fuck you, Austin,” she smiled. We made eye contact and she smiled at me, before turning around and walking out of my eye sight.

            I heard a phone vibrate to m right.  Robert’s phone. I walked to the seat to see that Austin texted Robert. I unlocked the phone, thankful it didn’t have a lock/pass code. I went through his and Austin’s text; I was in utter schock. Austin broke up with Angelica because he still had feelings for me, and she hated me; and the more she hung out with me, the better her revenge for me was going to be.

            I pressed the ‘Home’ button, locked the phone and looked at my surrounding. Me and Robert made eye contact and I showed him his phone. He ran to me, and grabbed his phone from my grip.

            “Austin texted you while I was playing Fruit Ninja and yeah.” Lies, bunch of lies.

            He nodded, unlocking his phone and walking back to the stage talking to my dad and Zach. Austin was nowhere to be seen; he probably went to the bathroom to think about things; maybe think about me.

            I gathered my belonging and walked to the stage, and caught my dad’s attention. “I’m going home, mom is probably already here, so I’m going to get going, I’ll text you if you want or Skype or call you; but bye dad, love you.” I hugged him and walked to the front of the school were my  mom was parked and waiting for me, on her phone, typing things and scrolling through her Facebook news.

            “Hey sweetie,” my mom smiled once I sat on the seat and locked her phone and handed it to me.

            I don’t know how to tell her; should I tell her straight out or tell her at dinner so she doesn’t have a panic attack while driving and ask me so many questions. I hesitated, opening and closing my mouth, no words coming out of them.

            “Austin broke up with Angelica last night because he still has feelings for me mom; he wants me and if to be together.”



Ahh! Last chapter! And I told you guys it was short! Haha, but I wrote the epilogue really long! It’s five-six pages front and back! Well, basically ten-twelve pages in my notebook…


Teaser: CAN’T SAY!! IT’S A SURPRISE!!! ^_^


 Words: 580


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Edited: 07/03

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