Chapter 45-Hide and Meet

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Its been 1 whole month after the incident.Lets just say everything isnt normal as it used to be.

Now, I cannot step out of the house without having two guards with me.I cannot drive my own car as i feel weird with them.Even though they maintain distance and all but they are so serious.Matt so enjoying to rub it on my face of him going out alone and shit.But i convinced dad to protect his son too so my dear twin also has 2 personal bodyguards like i do now.

Im going back to school tomorrow start  my training and all.I havent been to gym and done hard workout but i did small ones.There are two very light scar,thank god it wont affect anything as clothes hides it and i dont really care if it shows too.

Dad is still mad and not permitting damien even come meet me or matt. As soon as damien recovered,he literally made his mission to convince my dad.I must say it is really entertaining for me,matt and mom to see damien to convince dad.

"Not again" dad said annoyingly as he came holding two bouquet one was red roses and other was lily. My dad like lily because mom likes it too. I like roses.

"Awww he is so cute" my mom gushed.

"Its not cute but annoying" as i took roses from his hand and smelled it.

"Its funny to see him doing these things.I didnt know he could this" matt said eating cheetos

"Brother,i heard from someone that someone sends flowers to someone for quite sometime.Do you know who might be that person as you all boys are players so....?" i smirked he thought i wouldnt know that he has been sending flowers to denise everyday for quite sometime.

"Really....who might be that fool?" he looked away. Me and mom smirked,mom got to know as she caught matt talking to the flower shop manager.

"Its annoying, i dont like it" dad sulked.I hugged him.

"Dad...try to forgive him" i said to him.

"I wont" dad said and i sighed.

"Princess what are your plans for today?" dad asked me.I choked.Matt patted my shoulders.Mom gave me water.

"Um,Me and matt going to Denise's House.Matt will drop me there and then to go to alex's house" i said looking at dad.

"Fine, i will tell the gaurds to get the cars ready" we both sighed and looked at mom for help.

"Baby,I think its enough of you sending them with gaurds everytime.Its too much.They are safe now." mom helped.

"No No...they are my babies that is needed to protected and Im thinking to add two more gaurds more for each of them" with that our eyes widen.

"DAD" we both whined. 

"Baby, i was the one who had them for 9 months.They are my babies too but they are mature.I dont want them too suffer like i did." mom said with finality.

"What do you mean babe?" dad asked

"You are so possessive ,your gaurds followed me for months after that incident."mom huffed.

"Oh yeah and you convinced me to stop the guards follow you with that sexy little thing which led us to have these two" dad smirked and mom blushed hard. And we made a disgusting face.

"Zach" mom exclaimed

"What?! You know to convince me to stop the gaurds following them we could the same thing love,I can free my schedule." dad said and whispered.Cant they see us,like we are literally sitting oppssite to them?!

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