Chapter 8 - Messed Up

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After talking to denise, i make my way to maths class and i see denise already in her she 'the flash' or something!?

Anyways I see matt sitting in the middle with some jocks and lexi sitting in infront (typical).I make my way back of the class.

What I didnt expect is Damien Knight to be in this class too. Is universe taking a revenge on me...damn it!

"Hey love, we meet again...i thought you never wanted to see me again" he smirked and he is sitting right beside me.

How i want wipe that smirk off!👿

"First thing dont call me love!

Second if i had choice and i was the schedule maker, i would have never a schedule that includes you!

Third why are sitting next to me go to sit somewhere else!" I angrily whispered to him.

"Really, I cannot see any seat left anymore" as he looked around more like looking at someone.

"See no seats" he told me by pointing at the class.

They were some seats left when i entered the class. I lookned around  to find alla the seats are occupied and the two seats remaining seat that i saw was occupied by his friends. Shit.

The whole period consisted of him annoying me.

I really wonder is the teacher blind or deaf as she didnt say anything. Gosh i hate this. When the bell rang, i left the class ,maybe, i was the first one to leave the class again.

Thank god only few teachers asked us to introduce us and some others didnt bother and i really didnt wanna introduce myslef as half of them already know me.

Today it was eventful,i expected it but it was unexpected too.

The bell rang and so goes the last period. Bye school and welcome home!! Fucking  Finally!!!

But i remembered i had to meet her. I sighed. I went to my locker.

"Hey sis , im gonna go hangout with some new buddies and will come back home little late. Just cover up for me if something is wrong. Okay?" Matt leaned to towards his loacker and i smacked his head.

"Okay...i i have a place to go and then i will be going home....but text me if something is wrong" i told him as i closed the locker.

"Where are yaa goin?" Holding my hand to stop avoiding the topic.

"I have a place to go matt okay" he gave me look

"Okay we will talk about this later..." I told him giving him 'just let me go' look.

"Ya we are gonna talk about this, be careful" matt said with serious look.

"Yes safe and if anything call get out of my face" i pushed him and laughed.

"Yaa...bye brat" he goes laughing and pushed me back.

I see denise going out of the school. So i take my bag and go to our place. Denise and I used to have a place where we used to talk about other friends or when we wanted peace. It was our kinda thing. And i used to be more close with her. This place is very near denise and my house. (Story time)

Did i tell you that denise also lives near us and we share a small part of backyard. One day we were playing and exploring. We were 5 and we were playing or just say trying be the dora of dora and the explorer. We had fake map and we made a tantrum to buy us a purple backpack. Yaa yaa laugh all you want.

So that day we faked a mission about a castle hidden in our backyard. Our backyard is connected to a little forest. Its really beautiful to have a forest and it is safe for us to go as it was mini forest (not so deep) and other end led to denise house and we had a trail that built for us if we get lost.

So that day we were searching for this fake castle and we heard a voice or noise of something and we followed it as we thought the map told us to go there (eye roll). We go and find that there is beautiful stream it is medium size and it is really beautiful.

So we decided to have a treehouse beside the stream. So we could watch the stream and have a castle for us.

We didnt want any of oir friends to know so we told our parents to make us a treehouse. Our dads examined the place and helped us to make a treehouse. We made them to make a promise to never reveal the location of this treehouse or we would bite them or tickle them (stupid threat ik, but it worked at that time.)

Every day we used to go there and play after playing with our group...stay there, play ,talk and once a week have a nightover. Those were days!:( I sighed

When remembering those days...its really hard to believe that even denise had to take their side. I know the situation was messed up,she took my side but eventually she had to choose them and she didnt tell me why. I was so dissapointed with it. That night was messed night, it really was.

Thank you for reading and i hope you all like it

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