Chapter 39-Mr.Ethan

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"This was a trap,that fucking bastard did this on purpose" his dad bursted.

"Zach calm down,this isnt time to burst" my dad tried to calm him.

"How the fuck should i calm down,will you calm down when this happens to ele alex?" (Alex aka Alexander Knight is Damien's dad)

"I know bud...we have been there and we cannot repeat the same mistakes zach so control your fucking emotions" dad bursted at zach.

Meantime,i looked around for any clue of love being here.

"Damien,nothing is here.As if no one stayed here." alex said

"Bro,i think the same think.If aria was kept here,there must be ropes to tie her up or something to indicate that she or the kidnapper was here." i said to him.

"Wait a minute,this is a fucking trap to stall us.He knows whom he has kidnapped.He knows that he cannot mess us in this city as our dads will find him.Thats why he put these evidence to look like he is here and changing his location.But he isnt,damn it." i said to them, pulling my hair.

"What you mean is that he is in one place but leaving some traces to different to stall us which will give him some time to take her outside this city.Shit." alex realised this.

"So basically we have no fucking where to go or to know where my princess is" for the first time i have seen zach loosing his confidence.

"No we dont, but we will zach.Like we did before,we will find her.Ans make the bastard pay for not messing with us." My dad patted zach and they moves out.

"Lets go back and see what we can find.The police are trying to find her too" alex said.

"We cannot rely on them.If the kidnapper is capable of doing this then he may have sources in police too.We cannot trust them." I said to him.Alex went out, i looked around one more time.When i heard a rustling,someone is here i thought.

I went towards the bedroom to get a better look at the person.I knew he is watching my moves.I started to look around and i saw his shadow from the mirror.

I went outside the house and drove back.I saw alex standing pointing at me the direction to park to hide us.I parked in the side of forest,it was dark so no one will find out.

Me and alex went to the house again.Waiting for that guy to make a move.

"Are you sure you saw someone?" alex asked as he surveyed the whole area with his binoculars

"Im sure.I felt someone watching our moves when we are at the house.I heard the rustling .Lets wait and see.Im sure he will go to the house and see what we did there as he knew that we didnt fix any cctv camera or something." i told him.

We waited for 20 mins when he saw a shadow at the living room.He was finding.We hide behind the bushes near the living room to get a clear look.We saw pulling a camera from right side of the wall.

"Fucker put a camera.He heard everything fromus.Lets attack him now." alex said but i stopped hm.

"No we will not to attack him.First let him take all the camera out and turn it off then we will.Im damn sure he is been prepared to get caught and he will not reveal the location.So....."

"So what?" alex asked me

"Wait and see" i smirked looking the shadow.

We waited for 10 mins to let him do his work.

"Damn,this is very well planned kidnappig." as we saw the person to take out hidden camera from various places.

"Its time, I will approach him from front and you from back.Go" i said to alex.Alex went away.

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