Chapter 3 - Here I come

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"Wake up Ari, its time to get ready and catch the flight....come on dont make me drag you lil sis" shouting my twin from his room

"Shut up you idiot..we have our own jet and we can be little bit late..lemme sleep for 5 mins" i said to my twin and i was going back to sleep that my twin Matt aka Mathew Dawson thought it would be lovely idea to blast music in my ears.
And let me tell you something if someone i mean someone tries to disturb my sleep i hunt them and kill em.
My prey is my twin bro who is running for his life as im chasing him.
I dont care whether i look like a monster or not as i want to smack that idiot brother of mine who is hidding behind my mom who is drinking her coffee.
"Im sorry lil sis but you werent waking up and i thought this will be good idea to wake you up....." said matt innocently which made me throw something at him as soon as mom moved i threw my shoes which landed exactly on his head. Gotcha yaa (smirk).

"You asshole you could have thought of some other idea like waking me up by shaking me or something not by blasting you wait what i do with you..." I was glaring at him hard as he was rubbing his head.

"Enough you guys..stop it...we have 1 and a half hour to your breakfast soon and get ready" said dad reading his paper as if nothing happenes here

"Its not over bro" glaring at him
"Oh its on lil sis" matt smirked
"Im not lil sis" i ranted back
"Oh you are as im the elder"
"By 2 mins that doesnt even count"
"Oh you both need to close your mouth otherwise im going to ground you both....go get ready and eat go chop chop" ordered mom.
One more time giving a hard glare to my bro i went up to my room to get ready.
Im not as pretty as my mom but i can say that i got her grey eyes and brown hair which looks like black like dad. I have curves...slim waist and 5'9 thanks to the genes. I also like to keep my body fit so i like to exercise..go to gym and do sports too which makes me kinda super fit i think.
So I got ready...did my make up and all. As i have long flight journey so i thought a black hoodie and track pants would be comfy with white my sneakers (i love sneakers so much)
Then i had my breakfast. We left for the airport.
The whole journey to New York made me think of what is going to happen seeing my old friends (ex friends). Seeing them again...revisting my past but im thankfull because of that im strong even though im kinda nervous.
My bro poked my shoulder as we were sitting beside each other watching movie in the plane and looked at me with worry "Are you okay? What happened ? Wanna talk about it?"
"Im fine bro just thinking about first day in that school and all"
"No worry ari im with you always"
"Yeah i know its just...."
"We arent going to indulge with them,only going to be civil that too when needed....i will not forgive them of what they did" with seriousness matt said which made me remind myself of the night.
"Ya you are right for once in your life matt"
"Very funny hahaha sis" shaking his head and we continued to watch movie and parents were in the bedroom resting.
After few hours, we landed New York. Our car was waiting for us but mom and dad had to go to office for some work. So me and twin went to the other car to go home.
As we were reaching home and seeing the that i used to fav bakery....all the old memories come back.
Sighing "Here i come New York".

Hey guys...thank you for reading...pls tell me if you liked it or not so far. Im nervous. This is my first ever book so pls ignore the grammatical mistakes or anything. Thank you❤️
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