Chapter 25- The Talk

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Aftee searching the area, i foind nothing. All of a sudden i hear loud noices coming from bailey's direction. So i run over to see.

"You are so annoying" bailey sighed frustrated completely

"Sweetheart annoying person can identify another annoying person.Oh so you are annoying" troy is annoying her more.I cannot help but laugh but i control myself.

"Uh...jesus..why im even talking to a asshole. When i win , you are so gonna regret it" bailey warned

"Babe we will see about that" leaned closer to bailey and walked away.

I gave bailey a minute.I coughed made my way towards her.

"I heard voices so i came to check up on you. Why are you blushing?" i asked bailey for which she blushed even more.

"Oh um its nothing" looked somewhere else

"Oh ok so did you find a lake or something coz i didnt find any"  i changed the topic.

"Same here" we sighed. I checked the watch.

"Bailey, is 11:50. We should head back to the place where we will meet the girls"

"Lets go"

"Hey girls, got anything?"  i saw the girls waiting for us

"I got nothing" jemma said

"Me too" denise said

"Where is lexi?" i asked them

"Guyssssss!!! I found a lake and shells!!!!!!" lexi came running

"Slow down girl!!" i said

"Lets go!! Finally!!! lets beat the boys!!!" Cheered bailey

We went to the lake . We started to find shells that will open.

"Guys wait a minute! The clue said that its not friends with land right so it must be inside the lake." jemma said

"Im not going to swim,its so freaking cold" denise said.

"I will come" lexi said

"Lets go then."

I removed my t shirt and pants and jumped into the lake with lexi and bailey. I gave them to look other side as i went to my left.

I found a flag attached on a shell.I swam fast to see our school logo. I took the shell and pointed them. We swam back to the surface of the lake.

"Uuuhh god! I found it!!!" I showed them the shell. Jemma and denise helped us.

"Hot view guys!! Look at the chicks" passed by John and his friends the jocks. I rolled my eyes.

"This hot view can turn into lava and pour it on you making you hella burn and land up into a hospital!"I gave them innocent look for which they gulped and left.

"Damn girl" denise said

"Open it" we tapped the shell.It opened and i found a key and a paper in a packet.

"Thank You! For Saving Me! As promised i will help you!! Find letter 'X' near you and you will get your final clue!! Mind you it can be anything!!" read lexi

"We need to find 'X'. Lets separate and find it!!" jemma said.

"Guys wait lets rest!! Its 3pm...lets eat!!" denise said, we agreed.

Everyone took out the snacks from their bags and started eating. I took a wrap from denise.

"Wait dont eat that ari!! you are allergic to peanuts!! I saw a peanut in the wrap while eating!!" jemma warned and took the wrap from me. I cant help but remember when jemma used to be the mother of the group.Always taking care for us. We stopped eating and looked at each other.

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