"Say mama again Blue"

"Ma-ma!" She chuckle then started babbling.

"You heard that?!" I scream.

"That's her first words?" My mother asks.

I nodded with a huge grin.

"Say Mommy, Blue"

I pouted as she continued to babble.

"Ma-ma!" She smiles in the camera.

"I'm so proud of you baby" I cooed.

"I'm about to call Onika, I'll call you back"  I told my mother before hanging up.

I place the phone to my ear waiting on Nicki to answer.

"Yes Beyoncé?" She asks through the phone.

"When the twins were over by your house, did they say their first words?"

"No. Why? Wassup?"

"Blue just said her first word" I say wiping my tear, dramatic right? I don't care. My baby just said her first word.

"Deadass? What she said?"

"Mama. I tried getting her to say Mommy but she didn't" I pouted.

"Oh word? I miss my prince and princess"

"They miss you too" I say.

"I bet. They the only ones that miss me?"

I quickly hang up the phone. Not today satan. Not today.

I place my phone back in my purse. "Where are we going?" I ask Leonardo.

"Studio" I nodded.


"What is she doing here?" I roll my eyes at the voice. Why today?

I didn't even pay her no mind. I took a seat in the chair waiting for Drake.

"Hey Bey" Wayne greet me with an awkward smile.

"Hey. Do you know where Drake is?" I ask him.

"Y'all supposed to be recording Mine right?" I nodded, "He went out to grab something to eat he should be back any minute now" He says.

I was low key kind of annoyed. If this bitch wasn't here staring at me then I wouldn't have a problem with waiting.

I wonder what she was doing here.

"Wayne ring Nicki again and tell her to bring her ass down here!" Rihanna shouted at Wayne.

I can see the annoyed look on his face "Girl, for the last time Nicki is not picking up her phone, and whatever you and my cousin got going on don't bring that shit to my studio! You lucky as fuck Drake let you in cause you most definitely would've stayed outside with all that shit!"

Oh. She was looking for Onika.

This wasn't my business so I stayed quiet. Nicki is not my girlfriend anymore so I didn't find the need to insert myself.

"How about we ask this bitch over here, where is Nicki?" I know the question was thrown at me but this girl has to be crazy to think I'll even utter a word to her ass.

"Bitches can't speak now huh?" She started laughing aloud.

"Rihanna, if you don't shut all the shit up then you can find your way out my studio yo!" Wayne shouted.

"I didn't do anything, I was just asking her where's her lil girlfriend"

Count to 10 Bey. 1,2- fuck that.

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