Rebecca: He's good. I mean I'm annoyed with this illness, because of it I haven't been able to do anything regarding the music stuff. I just haven't been getting the hours I need to pay for anything extra. On the good side though, he somehow hasn't managed to catch this bug that I have.

Rebecca keeps getting sick, but Joshua doesn't? I can never remember which fact is true. That kids are more susceptible to viruses and colds, or if the opposite is true and they are more resilient to them. My brain wants to convince me it's the former though, that kids are more susceptible to illnesses than adults. Does that mean whatever this illness is that it's not contagious? Or am I just completely wrong and they are actually more resilient against viruses and colds? No matter what I am definitely thankful that Joshua hasn't caught this cold that is plaguing Rebecca.

Me: That's good I suppose. Damn I am really sorry you are sick, though. Have you seen a doctor about it?

Rebecca: *sigh* Between being busy with work and Joshua I just haven't really had the time honestly. Not to mention when I do feel ill it's all I have in me to motivate myself to take care of him.

Candace: I quit the cafe. I have all the time in the world to help. Hell I'll even move in with you if you have the room. Or better yet I can find a place for all of us together. I'll even hire movers to do all the heavy lifting.

Um, say what now?

Me: You quit your job? How are you supporting yourself now?

Candace: Um. I'm living off my allowance actually.

Me: Allowance?

Candace: Yeah, uh, so my parents are pretty well off. I didn't really need to work at the cafe, actually. I chose to.

Well, I had suspected something like that honestly. But having it confirmed doesn't make me any less shook about finding it out for certain. I had thought she would tell me about a new job she had gotten instead or something.

Rebecca: That's really generous of you Candace. I'm not sure it's a good time to just rearrange our lives though. I mean I will take the support to help with Joshua so I can see a doctor though. That would definitely be helpful.

Candace: So, now that, that part of the conversation is out of the way. Tell us how you and your soulmates are doing.

I relay to them both everything going on with my life over here. Well everything I am willing to share with them. I let them know about the dates we have had. The letters Jimin has sent. I briefly talk about who I have been with in any kind of sexual capacity, but I don't go into any kind of elaborate details about it. Not only because I am uncomfortable doing so, but also because I feel like that should be something that I keep between myself and my soulmates.

Not long after I finish my conversation with them my phone rings. I check the caller ID and immediately smile.


"Hello sister, mine." I find myself smiling wider at how Jiwoo greets me. "I haven't talked with you since the club really and wanted to catch up with you."

I frown as I realize she is right. We haven't talked since the night at the club. I quickly ask her for her version of what happened and accept that what she tells me clicks with the other information I have personally gathered of the night. Not that I thought my soulmates would lie to me, but it is a bit of a relief to hear the same from a third party.

"Okay, moving past all that shit. What else has been going on with you?"

I think for a second about what else I might be willing to share with her. "Jk informed me that I will be meeting the maknae line's families this weekend." I hear something fall on the other end, and I can't help but to ask. "What was that? Is everything okay?"

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now