forty six

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I sat up, stopped looking up at the sky which was fading to a darker blue. It was nearly five. We would have to go home now, before mum got worried. Helping Lillian up, I begin to walk back to the car. She walks in the opposite direction, towards the willow tree. I stop to watch her as she places to daisies she found in the meadow near the graves of her parents. Taking a deep breath in, she runs back to me, taking my hand. Together, we sat in the car listening to an old cd.

Lillian and I had a special connection where we never had to talk, and all we did was enjoy being with each other. We could sit in silence for hours.

Upon reaching my house, I helped her out and took her book bag as well as my own. The front door was unlocked, which meant mum was at home. She was probably in the kitchen cooking dinner. The door creaked open when I opened it, sure enough mum was in the kitchen. The aurora of sweet scents filled the air. When I turned my head I could see Edward fast asleep on the couch, loud snores escaping his lips.

"Hi guys, why don't you go wash up, dinner will be ready in a few." Mum greets is with a happy tone. We creep past my sleeping brother. When he moved the slightest but, Lillian jumped. Which pained me because he hurt her so bad she shakes in his presence. How could he do such a horrible thing?

I drop off our bags in my room and go to the bathroom to wash my hands. Reaching for the soap, I push down the nob, making the liquid squirt on my shirt.

"Harry!" Lillian burst out laughing. It was everywhere, my shirt, my jeans, everywhere but my hands.

"What's wrong with me today, ice cream and now soap!" I dap at the bubbles on my shirt, only to make a bigger mess. "Whatever." I say, giving up and just wearing the soap stained clothes. Lillian still cracks up that I did something stupid again.

"Hey Harry?" She stops laughing and gives me a serious look.

"Yeah Peters?" I answer, expecting a stupid joke.

"What would you say if I told you I love you?" I wasn't to say I love her back, but I can't. I'm dating another girl that I love dearly. Dropping my relationship with Jade would be horribly rude, and make me seem desperate.there was no way I would cheat, so I was stuck in silence.

I was lucky to be saved by my mum calling for dinner. We make our way downstairs. Robin and Mum are seated in their usual spots, right next to each other. Lillian and I take our seats across from them.

"It looks so good Anne!" Lillian cheers, looking down at the meal. It never had come to my attention before that my friend had never really had a good home cooked meal before. Her parents were gone and her brothers always had to work just to keep the cottage they lived in. She had to fend for herself.

"Thank you Lillian, I'm so glad you're here. It's good to see you and Harry stayed friends." Mum smiles back at us, beginning to serve the food.

"Thank you for having me." Lilian shines back.

Mid way through the delicious meal conversation starts. "So, Lillian when can we meet your parents?" Mum asks before taking a bit of her green salad. My eyes widen and I give her a look.

"Oh, my parents passed away when I was younger. I live with my older brothers." Lillian still smiles, keeping an upbeat attitude.

"I'm so sorry darling. Edward had told us your parents were still alive." Mum places her hand on the blonde's, rubbing it in comfort and then glancing at Edward who was still sleeping. It seemed as though Edward only cared about his own needs in their relationship.

"It's fine. I was younger and barely remember it at all,"She sighs, "but Anne this meal is absolutely delicious." She changes the subject knowing that talking about her parents passing was a downer on the table conversation.

"Thank you, it's one of my favorites to cook and Robin's favorite." Mum grins widely.

"Yes, it's very good-" Robin stops mid sentence, starring at Edward who all of a sudden decided to wake up and join us for dinner. I can feel Lillian tense up as he pulls out the chair at the end of the table. His hair is a complete mess, curls falling every which way. His lips chapped so bad, you could see the cracks. He was a mess in general.

"Edward, so nice of you to join us." Mum says stiffly, not even bother to look over to her son. He grunts in response, looking over to my best friend, I see she's now just picking at her leftovers, trying so hard to avoid eye contact. Her hair fell in front of her face, making it unable for Edward to she her cringing expression.

"Mum, may we be excused?" I look up pleading to her.

"Yes, just put your dishes in the sink. Robin and I are going to watch this new movie, if you want to join us." She tells us, not even giving the offer to Edward.

"Thank you for dinner again!" Lillian waves before we rush up stairs. I let her change into her pajamas in the bathroom, while I change in my room. She walks out, hair in a high pony tail and I nearly burst out laughing.

"What?" She looks innocent, then noticed our matching pajamas and she begins to laugh along. It was simple was navy shirt with flannel. They could work for either males of females, but it was a strange coincidence we both had them. "This is why we are best friends." She chuckles, not being able to contain her laughter, neither can I.

{idk how I should have stopped this chapter but yayyy update and it's longer than the last one!!!! Also follow my new twitter dedicated to my lamp (@lampsos) love you all and your positive response to this crappy story! Nearly 900 votes!!

Lots of love!}

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