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Things are Reavealed

I'm lucky I have the same homeroom class as Edward. Then I know where to sit and what my actions are. But I'm also very unlucky. All my friends will be there. They surround me.

I walk into the room and quickly sit in my desk. I sit for a while until the bell rings. I can feel them starring at me, there eyes burning into my skull.

"Good morning everyone! New week, so we are starting our new project! The times of Shakespeare! No groups or partners. You will write a six page essay on Shakespeare and how his work relates to the period it was made in. Use evidence. Then you will create a 15 slide power point or 5 minute video on Shakespeare. You have this class time to start!" Greets Ms. Smith.

I grunt just like the rest of the class. I pull out Edwards notebook. And look for a pencil. When I turn back to my desk there is a note. It's folded neatly. I open it.

It reads: "Quite the project! See you later..." With a little heart drawn at the end. I look around in high hopes to see the lucky writer. My guess it's mystery girl. No one glares a me looking for reaction to the note. Every one is hard work. I sigh. I just have to wait until later to see who she is.

I start the paper, but only get a rough outline before the bell rings. I shuffle through the halls to Biology. It's my favorite but I show no emotion when Mr. Reyes announces the lab of the day. The class is easy, we study cells under the micro scope and identify them.

"Great job Mr. Styles, I hope we have a great week." Mr. Reyes congratulates. I give him a small smile. I don't thank him because that's something I would do, not Edward.

The day goes by quickly and I learn more and more about Zayn and Louis who are really actually nice people. Perrie, Jesy, and El are some of the nicest girls I have every met, and very funny. Apparently the two boys were pressured by their fathers to be perfect children, most kids get stressed, well these to did. Ending with tattoos and bullying. After one of their younger sisters was born and their fathers left, they both have younger sisters, they changed and became the sweet people they are now. I have different view on them.

"So, you really don't want to come with us Edward?" asks Louis one more time.

I finally give in. "I guess I can go. It won't hurt me!" They laugh.

"Yes, because pizza and arcade games can really hurt you." Zayn chuckles sarcastically. I laugh. But later I realize it's a mistake. I look over and see Niall and Jade siting having milkshakes. They look bummed. I know Niall has been sad because Liam keeps hanging out with Sophia a lot, but I didn't think it was this bad.

I check my watch. 6:47. Crap. I quickly make a excuse. "Oh guys! Look at the time. I have to go."

"Bye Edward! It was fun lad." Louis says.

"Do it again soon?" The group asks.

"Yeah sure!" I yell as I run out the door. I'm relieved when my mother greets me happily.

"Have a good day?" She asks as I walk in the room.

"Yes! And yours?"

"Good, good" she walks over to me a gives me a big hug. She barely reaches my height. "Oh Eddie, I love you so very much!" I smile at his nickname. She hasn't called him that sense he was four. "Go wash up for dinner"

I rush up the stairs and walk into my clean "new" room. I guess I expected to have clothes everywhere. There is a large bookshelf that towers over me. His bed is neatly made and his closet is color coded. I look through the books he has. To Kill a Mockingbird, Odyssey, all of Shakespeare great stories, and hundreds more!

Suddenly I hear a loud bang on the window. I turn to it. Then a rock hits it. It doesn't break, but it startles me. I look out the window and my jaw drops. That's last person I thought wold be there.

QOTD: Who do you think it is out side Edward's window?

I updated because I'm traveling for spring break! I hope it's long enough and it's spelled correctly. I wrote it on my phone.

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