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"You ready, sweety?" Mum asks me as we get into the car.

"Yep!" I chirp from the back seat. It was currently five in the morning and we were, well Mum, Gemma, and I, on our way to pick up Lillian for the field trip to London. Edward was convinced he could do it next year and decided not to go, which was a fantastic relief for me.

The sun had risen, yet it was still chilly out. We took the twenty minute drive to Lillian's house, I directed mum there.

She sat at the end of the street, on her red duffle bag. Lillian wore a giant sweater, her hand wrapped in the sleeve making her hands into paws. her hair was laced into a messy braid, she looked adorable. I jump out of the car and she pops up from her sitting place. I take the surprisingly light bag and throw it on top of mine in the back of the car. We both climb and are off to the train station.

As we enter the train station, I can already find our group of sleep deprived kids. Our bags were carefully unloaded and we join the group. I start to search for our little "gang".

"Hey guys" my voice croaks when I finally find them.

"Hi!" they answer in raspy tones. I bid my farewell to my mother just before boarding the train. The trip was for seniors and juniors, so it took a little while for the group to board. I fall asleep almost immediately after getting situated on the train.

I wake up from my nap to find Lillian's head in my lap. She sleeps soundly, it couldn't be cuter. I want to move, but she looks so peaceful. I start to play with stray pieces of her hair. We only have fifth teen more minutes until we arrive in London. I sit and watch her sleep.

When to train comes to a stop, her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning Harry!" she yawns.

"Good morning Lillian Peters!" I exclaim.

"How are you doing this fine morning?" She asks, as we start to gather our belongings

"Excellent, abd yourself?"

"Perfect Mr. Styles..." She trails off. I give her a puzzled look, but she doesn't snap out of her daze.

"Uh... Lill', you okay?" i ask still confused.

"Um.. What? Oh I was just thinking." She says now focusing her attention on me.

"What about?"

"Nothing." she lies, shrugging it off.

"You have to tell me!" I beg.

"About.... How well Lillian Styles sounds." She sighs, gazing into the distance.

"So you plan on marrying Edward?" I ask my hopes dropping.

"No, I just thought it sounded cool silly. I plan on marrying just another nobody." she giggles, I laugh with her because her giggle is adorable.

"Oh! Just another nobody?"

"Yeah, a nobody."

We arrive at the hotel at three in the afternoon. Leigh Anne, Jade, Lillian, and Eleanor shared a room. I share one with Niall, Liam and Jackson. Jackson was a senior at our school and he didn't bother us. We were lucky we didn't have to share with any one we hated.

The teachers told us to unpack a little and get ready for the rest of the day by 3:40. It was currently 3:30 and I had been ready for the last ten minutes. I sat at the edge of the bed playing with my fingers. I checked my phone almost every minute to see if it was 3:40. Finally, the time rolled around. I jumped off the bed and smoothed out the sheets.

We had been told to dress nice, to represent the school well. I decide on a button up shirt and my Sunday pants, I threw on my brown coat. Although it was almost summer, it was still pretty cold out.

I walk out of the room, leaving the unready boys behind. I turn my head in both directions, checking to see if anyone else was in the hall. When I see its clear, I make my way down to the lobby where the rest of the students wait. I meet Lillian as we wait for everyone else to come down.

"Hello Sweety!" she greets me, "You look nice."

"You don't look half bad yourself." I laugh. She wore a causal blue dress matched with a cute scarf. and sweater. She really did look beautiful.

"Why thank you Mr. Styles."

I lace her hand in mine as the school makes it way out to the busy streets. I glance back and find Niall, his arms leading Jade and Leigh Anne. I smile, he's such a gentleman.

We are lead to a small museum where we are guided around. It's quite boring actually and takes up most of our day.

"Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, that concluded your tour. Your teachers have informed me that you have an hour until dinner. You may go have some free time until then. Please enjoy the scenery and have some fun. Meet your teachers back at the hotel in exactly an hour for dinner afterwards." the tour guide announces, immediately everyone scatters.

I turn to Lillian and we head towards the exit. The sky is dimming and the streets are lit by the moon light.

"I want to go to the London Eye!" Lillian jumps in front of me, her face full of excitement.

"That sounds lovely, lets go!" I answer, intertwining our hands back together.

The line is surprisingly short. When its our turn, we make our way into the little bucket with a group of others. As we are lifted into the sky, I place my arms around Lillian's waist from behind, resting my chin on the top of her head. The machine stops at the top, to let others on below, it gives us the perfect view over the city. The sky fades to black and I plant a kiss on Lillian's nose. I can feel her smile grow.

"Lillian, I know this is the last thing you would think of hearing , but we need to talk." I speak up, I just had to get it out of my system.

"What's wrong Harry?" She says in a concerned tone.

"Look. I know you said you love me, but you also love Edward. He's your boyfriend, you can't cheat on him." I confess.

"I understand where you are coming from. I too have something I should share. That day Edward yelled at you, saying you couldn't see me again, yes I do know that happened, he was yelled because...because.. I broke up with him! That's why we haven't been together. We haven't told anyone yet. Well except yo just now." She goes on, pain in her eyes. A Hugh relief fills the room. She looks down at her feet.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't know how to say it." Lillian stutters, her eyes becoming glossy. I wrap my arms around her, embracing her in a hug.

"He was pushy and mean and I just wanted a guy, a guy like-like ......" she breaths out.

"Like you."

Super Long Chapter! Next Chapter might be shorter! Thank you so much for 3,700 reads! It makes me so happy! In other good news, Has anyone heard 5sos's new album! It's not out in the US yet, not until July 22nd. I have listened to every song on there a billion times! Its absolutely amazing! If you want to listen to it, go on my tumblr and I have links to the songs! I will put one of their songs on the side here! I hope you enjoy!

Vote and Comment what you think please!

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