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I'm starting a new school closer to the new house. I mean honestly it would be stupid to drive an hour to go to school back in our old town. I guess I wouldn't mind the drive if I still got to see my old friends everyday. Although, I wasn't suffering alone. This would be Gemma's last year in high school before she would move out and start her own life. My sister was someone I had always looked up to. She always solved our family problems and before our mother met Robin, her new husband, Gemma managed a small job to help support our family. Now, I am not saying our relationship is perfect, but we were far closer than my relationship with Edward. After Gemma would leave, I'd be all alone with Edward, my identical in looks but opposite in personality twin. Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to that.

"Harry, time to go Sweety!" My mother, Anne, shouts from the bottom of the stair case. Indicating that the bus I'd be taking to school for the next two years, was here. I sling my grey book back over my shoulder and run my fingers through my curls before running down the stairs and hopping on the bus, following Gemma. 

The bus was cliché with all the cliques. I notice this as I walk down the isle to sit with Gemma. I keep my eyes down, not wanting to make any awkward eye context with anyone. As the bus jolts forward I trip, but catch myself on a seat. I can hear muffled laughs from a few of the students, but I ignore them. Looking up, I see a girl in the seat that caught me from a horrible fall to the floor. She had blonde hair that cascaded just past her shoulders and it almost looked like silk. Her eyes were a hazel that looked like all the colors of fall swirled into a small circle. Her cheeks begin to turn pink and I notice I'm starring now. Brushing myself off, I pardon myself and slip into the seat with Gemma just a few rows back. I'm so embarrassed, I stare down at my jean and let my hands fidget with my navy blue sweater the whole ride.

The front office had issues with scheduling, one of the workers filed the papers incorrectly. Everyone was in a panic, saying that they already screwed up on the first day. I didn't mind it much as I had a lovely conversation with the chatty older ladies who worked at the front desk, who sipped on their coffee ever so often. The principal, Mr. Fencer, was a kind man in his 50's, losing his hair from stress. He personally escorted me to my homeroom, because I was already late.

My homeroom teacher was also my first period teacher, Ms. Smith for English. She was one of the teachers you assume lives alone with her pet cat, but out of nowhere she'll mention her husband and four kids. She introduces me to the class, even though I thought it was unnecessary, and instructed my to an empty desk in the back. I didn't mind the back, I did when I was younger and didn't have glasses. I had a motivation to strive for good grades so concentrating would never be a problem. That was until I turn to my right and see the girl I starred at on the bus. Her hazel eyes look deeply into the notebook she scribbles in, as if the doodle is the most important thing at the moment. Her soft looking lips match the her light red cardigan that hangs over her body. I turn back to look at my desk, not wanting to make the same mistake as before with starring.

Ms. Smith hands everyone a worksheet that asks basic questions. This was typical first day of school stuff. I pull out one of my crisp, unused pencils and begin answering.

Name: Harry

Birthday & Age: February 1st; 16

Favorite Colour: Cobalt Blue

Siblings: Gemma (senior), and Edward (junior)

Hobbies: Reading, Music, and Nature

Favorite Book: To Kill A Mockingbird, a classic!

What do you want to do in your future?: I want to travel, see new things and live it all.

Finishing the worksheet I feel a light tap on my right arm. Glancing up, I see the young girl. She gives me a welcoming grin. "Hi, I'm Lillian." I felt it was sort of strange she just interrupted my working to introduce herself, but ignore it as it is the girl. "You're the boy who fell on the bus, right?"

I mentally face palm, of course she wanted to know if I'm the boy who totally screwed his life up by falling this morning. I nod in response, "I'm Harry." I mange to stutter out after a few seconds.

"I know, Ms. Smith introduced you to the whole class." Lillian giggles, and I blush, making yet another mistake. "Since you're new, want to sit with my friends at study hall? They won't mind, I'm sure they'd love you."

I do a double take on her words, she just asked for me to sit with her. I feel as if it's a misunderstanding, why would she want me in her group. I was this nerd with glasses, and she barely knew how weird I was.

I never knew why I was insecure about my glasses. Perhaps, it was Edward who had teased me when me still saw each other, or the stereotyped losers, or maybe it was the tv shows that poked fun at the kids with 'four eyes'.

"Are your friends all girls?" I question, not that I would mind. My good friend from back home, Katherine or as she liked to go by Kat, was a girl. Many a times I would hang out with all her girl friends.

"No," I hear the chuckle in Lillian's voice, "You should, or you could sit with sister."

"How do you know I have a sister?" I am puzzled for the moment, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your worksheet, and now I know you and I both want to travel." She smirks, pulling a stand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"You two, quiet! We are working, not flirting." The grumpy teacher shouts to us, then looking back to her computer again. I sigh and turn away from my new acquaintance.


When I reach the library for study hall, I am shocked that most of the kids play in their phones and chat with friends. It saddens me that no one actually does work, I am alway one to get extra work done when I can.

Seeing Gemma I wave to her cheerfully. She motions for me to sit with her and her new found friends, but I shake my head. Searching for Lillian's bright blonde hair, I find her and point, showing my sister I will be sitting with that group.

I plop down next Lillian who smiles at me happily. There are four others gathered in the circle. Lillian tells me each of their names immediately. Niall, the beach blond with matching ocean blue eyes. He wears a simply outfit of a white shirt and light blue jeans. Then there's Jade, who sits next to the blond boy very comfortably, which makes me wonder if there are group couples. Jade seems very outgoing along with her friend Leigh Anne, both wearing bold choices in clothing, but they work it. Their skin is tanner than the others and hair that's dark curly, Leigh Anne's is more frizzy than Jade's. No doubt these girls are gorgeous.

Lastly, on the opposite side of Lillian is a buff looking guy, Liam, his light brown hair is combed neatly to the side and his hands lay folded in her lap.

They wave to me as a welcome, as I just smile. After moments of very awkward silence, I decide to break it with a question. "So, are you guys couples?" I hate myself for asking, because it just becomes more awkward.

"No, Liam has a girlfriend though." Jade tells me, gesturing to Liam as she talks.

"Sophia." Niall cringes and rolls his eyes. I assume from his accent he's irish and that he isn't to fond of Liam's girl, Sophia.

"She's very nice Niall, you just need to get to know her." Liam defends her.

"Yeah, sure."

"Do you have a girlfriend Harry? You know back home?" Leigh Anne changes the subject back to me.

"Nope, girls don't flock to me. I didn't get those genes, my brother did." I laugh slightly, "he's like them." I shout and point at two guys across the room that have two girls literally hanging off of them. Noticing how loud I am, I slap my hand over my mouth. I am completely embarrassed, once again.

{rewrote this like 20 times.}

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