forty five

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Clambering into my car, Lillian sighs heavily. I believed it was a sigh of relief, finally having another real friend back. Niall was great, I was so glad to have a guy friend back. Sadly, after school the blonde boy had to go back to his football buddies for conditioning.

"Next on our list is Liam, then Leigh Anne." The blonde smiles, "let's hope we can get everyone together before this year ends. I can't believe we are going off to Uni and growing up." Lillian begins to ramble, her hands moving with her words.

"Hey, look at me." I command, her head turns towards mine, our eyes locking. "Even though we will all go our separate ways, our friendship will never break. I will think of you, Lillian Peters, everyday. When you broke my heart and turned sides on us, I never stopped thinking of you, don't forget that." I tell her, my voice cracking. I couldn't leave my friends, it was too hard. I couldn't leave Jade or Lillian or Niall. Leaving my only friends was my mission impossible.

After my short monologue, we sat in silence for just a few moments. As I pull out if the parking lot I realize there is no way I could go home. Lillian was staying over and Edward was at home getting over the break up. He ran on on schedule, waking up at certain hour to feed and exercise and then he'd go back to bed and cry, I dare not tell anyone this. Matter is, this is one of the few hours he is up. If we went home problems would erupt.

"Lillian, tell me a place that is peaceful and kept away." I sigh, knowing she has been everywhere in this small town.

"The willow tree." She states I'm her soothing voice. My hand on the wheel direct us to the willow tree. Once we reach the closest place to travel by car, we hop out and start our hike. I watch as she jogged ahead, her blonde locks moving with the wind. In the distance she can see the old tree that hides her parents away. The called to the ground in the meadow, looking up at the sky. I lay next to her, staring at her free hand. I go to reach it, but back away when she begins to speak.

"The sky is so beautiful, I love that blue color. I like when the sun sets and the blue turns to warm colors." Lillian smiles happily. " also though it, the sun, is leaving as it sets, it leaves so beautifully. When I leave, weather it be my death or leaving got Uni, I want to leave as gracefully as the sun." Her words are inspiring, I never knew she had that in her.

"Peters, do you ever wonder if your life would be different if your parents didn't pass?" The words left my tongue with out a second thought.

"Everyday Styles, every single day. I think of my parents. I think of my brothers. I think of school. I think of my friends. I think of you. I always think of you." She pauses playing with her hands nervously." I have to confess something."

"Tell me, you are my best friend." I sit up from the grass to look at her.

"At one time I loved Edward. He was different, a kinder soul. Zac warned me of him, how'd he hurt me. I didn't listen to him, nor did I listen to you. Damn, I really should have, but I was stupid. Then I realized I loved you, and I was too late. Edward trapped me and you know... See Styles, I still freaking love you. I'm jealous of Jade and I know you love her. I love you so much I don't want you to leave for the Sea School, I can't take the distance. Damn it Harry, I'm going to fucking miss you so much." Her delicate little voice cracks.

"Lillian, I never stopped loving you, but I'm with Jade and I love her too. It's just complicated." I embrace my friend in my arms tightly. I never wanted to leave her, I wanted to take her with me to Uni. That would be the dream, traveling with Lillian, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I have to grab it while it's there. I'm going to miss her so fucking much.

{sorry this sucks again but happy new year!! what did y'all get for christmas? I got socks and a plane ticket to visit my BFF and it was awesome! For my New Years kiss I kissed my new sock. It was great- love you!!!

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