forty eight

151 10 1

{may rewrite}

We awoke to the soft patter of rain on the roof. I stretched my arms out , yawning loudly then pulling my glasses from the bed side table to slip on. I blink slowly, trying to focus my vision. Looking down at the mattress where Lillian lies, she mimicked my motions from moments before, and scratching her messy hair that was thrown into a ponytail the night prior.

"What shall we do today?" She glances up to me, waiting for my answer.

"Let's go for a drive." I suggest, getting up to find some clothes in my drawer.

"Where to?" The blonde open her bag to find her outfit she had brought over.

"I don't know, let's just drive." I shrug, going into the bathroom with my clothes. I splash some cold water on my face, erasing the look of sleep from my face. I throw off the tshirt and flannel pants in the laundry bin, sliding on my black jeans and grey sweater. I quickly brush my hair and teeth before walking out.

When I step out, Lillian is fully dressed and brushing through her blonde locks. Black jeans that seem to be the trend wrap around her legs and a baggy grey sweatshirt hangs on her torso. She flips her hair into a ponytail quickly. Before tying on her white shoes. The girl stands up, ready to go with me. Her sweater'a arms are too long for her short for her arms, her fingers the only things slipping out into the light.

We drive for a while, just going nowhere. Lillian plays with the radio, constantly changing the station.

"Why not just choose one?" I ask her, when she falls into her seat unable to make a decision.

"I can't." She huffs, crossing her arms in frustration like a child.

"Then we can turn it off if you want." I suggest, reaching for the button.

"No- don't! I like the noise." She smiles, moving my hand away and back on the steering wheel.

We drive a little farther, passing the park. Lillian's eyes catches glimpse of something, her head whipping around.

"Stop!" She demands, waving her hand to grab my attention. I pull over to the side walk, following her instructions.

"Why?" I raise my eye brow, her eyes still glued on the thing behind us.

"That's Liam and Sophia, I swear." She quickly unbuckles and hopping out of the grey automobile. I follow suit, walking up close to her, but keeping my head down. "I knew it." She points to a couple walking in front of us just a few feet away.

"How do you know it's them?"

"Liam gave Sophia that bracelet. See the blue one? I doubt many people have one just like that." She is indeed correct, a silvery, blue bangle of beads hands on the girl'a wrist as she holds the boys hands.

"Let's go!" The blonde takes off to reach the couple she assumes is Liam is Sophia. I quickly grab her by her hand, a spark flying through my body.

"Don't." I state plainly, I return I receive a puzzled look from the girl. "Leave them, let's get back in the car." The couple was slowly getting out of reach, soon we would not be able to see them.

"But we need them, they are-"

"No, let's leave now." I demand sternly, pulling her back to the car. She keeps a pout on her face as we drive off again.

"We should have talked to them." She argues.

"No, we were right to leave them."

"Fine." She puffs out.

"Fine then." I copy her, a small smirk forming on both of our lips.

"Harry, why do you think I couldn't stand up to Edward alone, I've been through things that are harder. Why do you think I needed help?" Lillian speaks up, changing the subject.

"That's a question to ask your self." I answer back.

"Speaking of questions, shall we continue our long lost game of twenty questions?" Her head turns to look at me, I can feel her smiling although I keep my eyes on the road.

"Sure, you go first."

"Middle name?" She hums happily.

"You already know my middle name!" I defend myself instantly, letting out a small chuckle.

"I know that, I just want to hear you say it." The giggles escaping her lips.

"My middle name is Marcel." Immediately, Lillian bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Hey, I don't know your middle name, what is yours?" I fire back.

"No." Her laughs stop and she gives me a serious look.

"It's my turn, you have to answer."I beg, dragging out my words.


"Oh, c'mon! It can't be worse than Marcel." I try to convince her. It was true, what kind of name was worse than Marcel. Who even names there child that. It's basically setting them up for failure, although I had not failed.

"Fine, but you can't laugh or tell anyone."


"Promise?" Lillian says the words she once told me when she showed me her first secret.

"I promise, forever and ever." I swear to the word.


"Are you serious?" I say in a dumb tone, she had to be joking.

"No, my dad told me that when my mother was pregnant with me she would call me her little bean. Now, my middle name is Bean."

"Well," I'm on the edge of laughter, I can feel it erupting in my throat, burning to be let out. I swallow it, I promised. "It looks like we are both in the bad middle name club." I sigh.

"Sure does bud."

{okay do not laugh because I made it bean!!!!! It's all going to come back later I swear. I almost made it soy btw so your lucky it's bean because soy makes no freaking sense.
I love you <3}

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