thirty one

524 22 0

When we get back the hotel from dinner, I part ways with Lillian. I watch her take long strides towards her room, and blows me a kiss before disappearing behind the door.

I enter my room to find Liam and Jackson already asleep in their beds, and Niall lounging, flipping through the TV channels. Clearly, finding nothing interesting.

"Hey mate."He greets me as I make my way over to my bed. His eyes still concentrate on the TV, careful not to miss anything incase there is something on.

"Hello Niall." I reply in a low tone.

"What's wrong?" He questions in concern, continuing to flip through the channels. I hesitate to answer, I don't know if I should tell him. He's one of my best friends, I have to trust him.

"Niall, I'm trusting you on keeping this a secret." I say steadily. His eyes direct their attention to me, full focus.

"I'll never tell a living soul." He promises through his thick accent. He doesn't smile or anything, keeping a straight face.

"Well, today I talked to Lillian during our free hour, and she told me... She broke up with Edward!" I blurt out, rushing to finish. Now that I've said it, I realize it's not that big of a deal, but to Edward and Lillian it was the world.

"Really?" Niall gasps in surprise. I nod, letting my face fall as my cheeks heat up. "Ah, Man! Make your move, Edward's not here. Now's your chance!" He encourages me, Niall was one of those guys who does something without a second thought, and it usually worked out for him. I was not Niall though.

"I'm thinking about it. I mean she just got out of her relationship. What if she says no?" My mind starts to wonder the possibilities that stop me from asking Lillian out. I get up from the bed where I sit, grabbing my pajamas and go to the bathroom to change.


The three day field trip flies by and before I know it, I'm on the train ride back home. Sadly, Lillian can't sit next to me, there weren't any seats. It gives me more time to make up my mind on what I should do about asking her out.

By the end of the long trip, I've made my choice. if I waited any longer, Edward could snatch her from my grasp again.

I told her I need to talk to her the second we unload from the train. This was urgent, for me.

When the train comes to a stop, I gather my bags and chase Lillian down. I catch her at the exit of the train cart.

"So... Lillian, I've thought a lot about this, and now I'm.."My sentence fades when I see her eyes go wide and face goes pale. I look in the direction she looks and all I can see is Edward. The whole would is Edward. He stands strong hands in his pockets and a death glare on his face. His usual black attire on.
He jogs toward her and engulfs her in a giant hug, spinning her around. He repeats the same "I love you" or "I missed you" to her. He's pretty good at acting, he got those genes as well.

Edward slips his hand into hers and they begin to walk to the car. Lillian is stiff, I'm not sure if she's glad he wants her back, or scared.

He talks to her the whole car ride. I sit in the back, behind them, listening, ready to cry. Edward tells Lillian everything that happened, even stupid details like what he ate. He was just trying to keep her from bursting out.

I let my tears flow the minute I get to my bedroom. I throw my head into my pillows and let my feet hang off the edge of the bed. My bags lay strewn on the carpeted floor.

Gemma follows me and slumps down at the end of my bed, near my feet.

"Harry, I know what happened and I need to tell you something." She signs, feeling bad for me. I don't care though. She shouldn't feel bad for the loser. That's something that only happens in movies. This is no movie, this is god damn reality. Where the loser loses everything and us left along and the bully wins, every time. Where the broken girl isn't fixed. Where the sick children don't get better. This is reality.

I grumble through my pillow. I didn't have the energy to even say a word. All of my energy was converted into crying.

"Lillian looked very uncomfortable in the car, with him. As a girl myself, I know whats going through her head. She isn't staying with him. She will leave him as soon as she gets the chance. She doesn't feel the love she once felt." Gemma explains. I lift my head from my pillow, my cheeks stained in tears. The pained looked still remains.

"Look Gemma, I've tried. I've tried all year and it's not happening. Now go finish packing for University!" I yell at her in an angry tone. She gasps when a finish, my words obviously hurting her. I was wrong, I took my anger for Edward and the unfairness of this world and hurt the only person who was trying to help me. I should know life is not fair. I just needed the truth to be said. She leaves in sorrow, unsuccessful.

Thank you so much for 5,500 reads! Here is a quicky little update. Kind of sad :( poor Harry, all he wanted was to ask her out. Also enter my edit contest! Read the A.N. for more details!

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QOTD: What's your favorite TV show?

Mine is Modern Family, Once Upon a Time, and American Horror Story.

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