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Little Fighting

Edward just enraged my anger. I wasn't gonna let him say that again, ever.

'What did you say?" I almost yell remembering my mother is down stairs. He continues to walk down thw narrow hallway. "Hey! I want you to stop! Don't you do enough!"

"Harry!" My mother shouts stomping up the stairs.

"You are horrible! I heard that girl in your room!" I ignore my mom and push Edward.

"Come again?" Edward grunts through his teeth.

"That's right! I said it! Let out your big secret! Already sleeping around!" He push's me.

"Boys!"she shrieks. We continue to push each other. "BOYS!" She jumps in front of us. I let go of Edward's shirt. "Harry, this is so unlike you." she almost crys. "Your both grounded! Robin can deal with you when he gets home." She rubs her temples and walks to her room.

We walk down stairs and eat in silence. Gemma sits in between us.

"You boys need to find a way to bond." She says finishing her food.

"How? We are like night and day" I mention.

"He couldn't have anything in common with me. If he were me for a week. everyone would find out in the first hour." Edward adds.

"That's just it!" Gemma shouts and jumps up. She walks to her room and mumbles things. We look at each other, then go back to eating dinner.

Thanks for all the reads! Sense I updated twice this week I won't update this week, I have to go to a funeral and I'm getting the puppy my family has been waiting to get!

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