forty one

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Pulling into Jade's I sigh heavily. I was glad to get them home safely without Edward getting in the way. Now I had to go home to him and take him for myself.
"Bye guys, I'll pick you up tomorrow!" I shout before rolling out of the driveway. When I arrived at my own home I say in the seat for at least twenty minutes. I had to man up though, take the fall.
"Harry! There you are!" My mother rejoices as I open the front door. Edward sat at the counter, a stronger glare locked on me. I carefully walked around him, but it didn't work. He already had the collar of my sweater caught in his tight grip.
"You ruin everything!" He shouts in my face, mum just stood quiet.
"No, you ruined it." I answer calmly.
"No!" He slits back.
"Boys please stop. We should talk this through nicely. What happened?" Mum
Soothes, loosening Edwards grip. She had him trained like a dog, following her commands.
"He brainwashed my girlfriend into breaking up with me!" Edward defends.
"Mum I didn't, Lillian came to me and told me Edward beat her! She can break up with him, I fact it would be a good thing if she did." I explain furthermore.
"Oh Edward. You have gotten into some deep shit." Mum curses, rubbing her temples." I can't believe you."
I smirks slightly, knowing he's about to get in huge trouble.
"Both of you to your rooms for the night!" She commands getting to the upstairs. My mouth was agape and I was in complete shock, yet I went up the stairs without a word.
Trudging into my room, there's a letter placed on my bed. My fingers run along the corners of the thick envelope. Ripping it open I read the the words typed on to the page.
Mister Harry Marcel Styles,
We are please to inform you, that you and 340 other students around the world have been chosen from the top of the class to join us next year at London's University at Sea. Please attend the open house, March 9th at Britain's Docks, with a friend to tour what could be your future campus. All tuition is paid through a full scholarship. Congratulations, we hope to see you very soon at London's University at Sea.
- Principal Jonathan Riddell
My mouth hung wide, I was in complete and utter shock. This was huge.
"Did you read it?" I hear my mum call from my door frame. A big grin planted on her lips. I didn't even I answer I just ran in hugged her. "My baby is getting so old." She mutters.
"I may be getting old, but I'll always be your baby boy." I tell her as we release from the embrace.
"I'm so proud of you." She states before walking off to the kitchen, her eyes glossy from joy.
I will always be her little boy, while Edward was just her son. I would never break the bond I had with my mother, she gave me everything, I could have never gotten anywhere without her. It sounded lame, but she was more of a friend than a mother. And I'll always be her little boy.

{shit guys I updated twice, you are lucky. I love you. I'm trying to decide of I want to write a sequel or not, if this gets to 20,000 reads before I end it I promise I will, other wise I'm unsure.

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