twenty eight

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I was waiting at the pool for the group. It was currently 1:26p.m., we were meeting at 1:30. Most kids in town hung out at the Arcade or Bowling Alley, which left the pool basically to ourselves. I dip my toes into the fidget water. Fixing my glasses, I close my eyes as I soak in the sun. It's nice out, and I couldn't be happier.

All of sudden I feel two hands against my bare back, they push me into the water. I'm drenched.

"oh I got you!" I can hear Niall chuckle behind me. He can barely breath he's laughing so hard.

"Niall! I'll get you!" I yell as I search for my glasses under the water. I finally find them, and place them back on my nose. He's still laughing his butt off. A towel is slung over his shoulder and he wears green swim trunks on. They are exactly like my blue ones, only green. "Did Liam come with you?"

"And Sophia." He nods his head. I glance to the gate to see the two, hands locked in each other.

"Cool." I mumble as I jump out of the pool. I hear my phone go off, but Niall answers before I can get to it.

"Yep!...Okay.... See ya soon!" He says. "The girls are almost here."

The others place their towels on some lawn chairs and jump in. Sophia sits in a chair to tan. I hop back in, right after them. We splash each other like were five, but stop when we hear the gate open once again.

My mouth drops when I see her and I bet Niall does the same for Jade. Niall was astonished just like me. Liam turns to Sophia to make small talk.

I look back at the girls.

"Hey Harry!" Lillian squeals, jumping up and down excitedly. I wave back at her, a blush creeps on my face. I know I'm redder than a tomato.

"Hey There Lillian!" She sits down at the edge of the pool, dipping her long legs in.

'How has your weekend been going?" She asks, slipping her slim fit body into the cold liquid. I can't help but stare.

"Good, I guess. I haven't done much." I answer in a shaking voice. She was so perfect. "What about you? How was your night out with Edward?" Edward had taken her out last night. Since I knew they would be a couple for a while, I had to start accepting it. I said start not I accept it, just started to.

"It was okay, he was pushy and the other girls made me feel under dressed." she sighs.

I saw her when she and Edward met up at our house. She was stunning, if anything over dressed for any girl in the town.

"Okay." I say before she plunges under. Wait, did she say he was pushy? Pushy about what? They just went to a party. She pops up distracting me from my thoughts. "Hey!" I yell. "You splashed me!"

"No!" She laughs sarcastically.

As the hours tick by less and less of our group is at the pool. Sophia and Liam leave first, and Niall because they were his ride. Jade and Leigh Anne go home and then it's just Lillian and I. I hop out of the pool as it becomes darker.

"Hey Lillian, do you need a ride?" I ask as she stands pointlessly, shivering.

", I'm fine." She obviously lies. I take my towel and wrap it around her, my arms hanging around her waist. She glances up into my eyes, in a nervous way. "Can I have a ride Mr. Styles?"

"Yes, Miss Peters!" I sway her from side to side. I release my arms and we walk to Gemma's car. Gemma let me borrow it for today sense she wasn't going anywhere. I open the side door and allow Lillian to enter. I get in the car and shove the keys in to start it. Her shining smile is planted on that beautiful face. I feel a blush warming my cheeks. We start out drive. Although we are close, the ride is awkwardly silent.

After almost twenty minutes, we reach the old road leading down to where her house is. I look at her and smile. The smile is returned.

"Thank you Harry!" her voice croaks.

"It was my pleasure." I lean in and kiss her on the cheek, a blush spreads across her face.

"See you at school! Have a good night!" I yell and she pulls her body out of the car. Her head pokes back in.

"Good night Harry." She says before placing her lips on mine. Lillian runs away, skipping a little. She waves good bye and disappears into her little cottage home.

Hope you like this chapter! Don't have much to say. I'm moving is all. Yep that's it!

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