forty four

228 15 2

We stopped at the little shop just down the road. There were pink chairs and matching green tables set up outside, but because of the bitter cold weather, they were not used. I had never been to this place before, it was new. Lillian recommended to try it, for fun of course. I walk in, considering it's a frozen yogurt shop, it was very warm inside. I didn't mind at all though, I wasn't one for the cold, I liked wearing sweaters and all, but winter time gave off a sad vibe to me.

The inside was decorated with exquisite lights that hung from the ceiling and small details that made the place pop up with life. I thought it was cute.

"Hey there, how may I help you today?" Greeted the young server behind the counter. He was rummaging through the cabinets, so his voice was muffled and face hidden from our view.

"Zac?" Lillian gawked, her brother whipped his head around and stood there awkwardly. Zac was Lillian's youngest, older brother. If that even made since. From what I knew, he was away a lot, didn't like to be near the Peter's house, I get it though. If I found my father dead in my house when I was around eight or nine, I wouldn't want to go back, even if it is my rude, ignorant father.

"Lillian! Aren't you suppose to be in school?" He shouted shocked, not even welcoming his sister, who he hadn't seen in who knows how long.

"Free period." She tells him, not taken back by his sudden outburst, Niall wonders off, helping himself to the snack and I follow. It was a self serve place.

"Who's that?" Niall asks, his head nodding towards Zac. I knew Lillian was okay with Jade knowing it all, but I was unsure of Niall. I could tell him simply that that was her brother, or the whole story, or nothing at all.

"Zac, her brother." I went with simple.

After organizing my yogurt and toppings the way I like, I look up to find Zac and Lillian making up for what ever feud has been between the two. I had only ever seen him once before, at her parents graves, but I still felt the tension, even then.

I sigh, loudly. Zac reminded me that Gemma was away. I missed her dearly, and we barely even talked. For all I know she could be pregnant and alone, but I really doubt it. Gemma and I were connected at the hip, for siblings, we got along really well. Fighting was rare with us and we worked like puzzle pieces together. We were more alike than my twin, which is ironic. I missed her wittiness and "extravagant" plans. She was good company too. Hopefully she would be coming back from Christmas break. I knew mum and Robin wanted their little girl back, but she could always go and visit our real father, if she felt like it.

We didn't see him much. Mum and him were better off distant friends, than lovers. And distant meant distant, he wanted to live cities away from her to get his "breathing room". Mum was obviously hurt by this when he left, and me being seven I tried to cheer her up by telling her he was worthless anyways. She would always he wasn't worthless, he had his good qualities. As a young child I didn't understand what she could have possibly meant. Now I did, our father gave her the children she wanted, he did something good for her. That brought me back to Zac, he made me angry that he would leave Lillian alone, she didn't have parents and she wasn't even double digits. I threw my thoughts a side realizing without Zac helping take care of Lillian she might not have been here today, he had his good qualities.

I was awoken from my thoughts with a sudden shaking of my arms, it was Lillian. We, Niall and I, were sitting at a table enjoying our treat, and Lillian had just joined us, and Zac was now in the back of the shop. I smile at the two friends.

"I thought he was in London." Lillian tells me, talking about her brother. "But I guess not, I wish he had told me when he came back."

"Hey! It's a good thing we came here, or we wouldn't had seen him! What a coincidence!" Niall chuckles, it was quite true. I mean who goes to a frozen yogurt shop in the middle of a freezing winter?

Lillian laughs, her nose scrunching up and eyes all squinted, I turn to Niall who is also laughing. It wasn't that funny... I had something on my face, I knew it. I grab a napkin in front of me, dabbing around my mouth and then the ready of my face.

"Sorry, it was just funny." Lillian was still laughing hard, she had trouble getting her word out from her shortened breath. "You're so cute mad."

{sorry another filler
really sad cause one of my friends at school is leaving and now I only have two friends at school :(

Plus pcd just punched me so hard
And I came to a realization that I'll never meet the boys and that makes me really sad.

-srd :(}

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