It always made Oberyn happy. "They'll be your girls too, don't forget." And Gods, was Vis excited. Four young girls to tear around the place, terrorising the staff, and most likely run her ragged. "Loreza and Dorea are very excited to see you; they're smashing oranges in the Water Gardens from boredom, they wish to see the dragons." He teased, the grin returning as his dark hues swam in mirth.

"Obella is practicing hard to make the Queensguard, just like Meria did; she's requesting a Water Dancer to teach her to fight once she arrives." Vis smiled, her heart filling with warmth as she settled back into his arms; content. "And Elia is worried for the horses, she requires me to travel them all from Dorne to King's Landing so she may continue to care for them." A caring soul, Elia sounded like.

"Make sure that all the girls have what they need, I don't want them feeling as though this isn't their home, because it will be - for as long as they live." She vowed, feeling his hand tighten on her hip.

Oberyn's chin rested on her shoulder, nodding as their eyes darted to the sun rise at the west. "I know you can't have children, but I-"

Vis shook her head, cutting him off. "I think my luck has changed." She uttered, thinking back to the soiled sheets she had changed since her time being here.

A brow rose, curious. "Your luck has changed?" She nodded, leaning forward to run her nose against the strap of his beard.

"Children are very much an option for us." The hand tightened further, pressing her closer to him as he smiled. Children, their children; they could have children. It was a far forgotten thought, a passing dream once upon a time. "I don't want the girls to feel left out, however, if we have children. Whether that's not having your time, or a claim to the throne, or anything they need. I hope to see them as my children, as I will having birthed our own."

His brow rose. "What do you mean?"

"They're not mine, which means they can't inherit their Throne, but I hope to still make them princesses if needs be - Princesses of Dorne." Visenya would never replace Ellaria, who had died in the cells of the Red Keep; but she would act as a mother figure, helping them when they needed it.

Oberyn nodded. "I would never ask that of you." He uttered, almost confused.

"I know you wouldn't, but I want to do that for you." Vis urged, grasping his hands. "They're your girls, and I'm marrying into your family. They've had enough upset without me messing everything up further, I just want them happy." Oberyn's hands were quick to grasp her cheeks, pulling her to him as he pressed his lips against hers. Such a simple statement, meant the world to him; one he didn't think Vis understood as he left a flurry of kisses to her lips before pulling back, watching her flushed cheeks.

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