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Rhaenar had chosen to return to the ship for the night, the air cool compared to the hot day that Astapor offered

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Rhaenar had chosen to return to the ship for the night, the air cool compared to the hot day that Astapor offered. She sighed as she leaned back on the chair, her eyes gazing up at the stars. It was a quiet night, the Dothraki having returned to their beds and Jorah and Daenerys long since retiring to their rooms. It left her to think as she wrapped herself in furs, about the Unsullied. She felt it would be a mistake to take them, swapping them for gold and ships. They were human beings just like she, and their life should be worth more than coins and following a master. How was she supposed to be any better than the Masters they've served so far? She would hold the whip.

"You seem to be thinking hard, my Queen." Barristan said as he came up the stairs, approaching Rhaenar. "If you don't mind me intruding." She smiled, offering him to sit opposite her.

"I feel like I may be making a mistake with purchasing the unsullied, Ser Barristan. I fear that it'll make me less of a person." He sat beside her, his warm eyes facing her.

She was a small human, barely reaching most shoulders but the attention she commanded from those around her, there was no denying her heritage. It surprised him. "You knew my family, correct?"

He nodded. "Yes, your grace."

"Then perhaps you could give me an insight into what they were like. I never really knew any of them beside Viserys and Daenerys; but I heard that Queen Rhaella - the one my father had cheated on - took me in as one of her own, came to love me almost more than her own children." Barristan swallowed as he looked to the ground in thought.

"Your brother, Rhaegar, was a valiant man who fought nobly; he was loved by the people and they believed in him. I fought alongside him the day he died, and he was every part the King of the Seven Kingdoms should be." Her brother Rhaegar, the last Dragon. "But he had made a mistake, and thousands died for it." The downfall of her family, and the rise of a new dynasty.

Barristan looked to Rhaenar, his eyes trailing over her features. "There are parts of you that look like him, enough that I have to force myself to remember he is no longer here. He'd be proud, I believe; if he saw you." Rhaenar couldn't help the soft smile that spread across her lips, glancing to her hands.

"You flatter me, Ser Barristan. Being compared to Rhaegar is something usually only reserved for my brother." He chuckled. "What parts make you think of him, if you don't mind?" She questioned, intrigued.

"Your eyes. They're his eyes through and through. Not in shade but in the way you gaze at the world; not as a cesspit of chains and shackles, but a place of opportunity. You can improve lives if you truly put your mind to it." The words gave her a small sense of reassurance, that maybe she was on the right path.

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