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-3 weeks later-
~Desilou POV~
10:30 am
Today me & Luke where discussing who we're going to invite & who will be the bridesmaids & groomsmen.

We have about 247 people listed that we want to invite. From close family, to family that live out of state ( Alabama, Kentucky) to close friends, to friends, to band mates, to best best friends & etc...

I have decided that Amy will be my maid of honor for my wedding. When we became best friends, we talked about getting married & we promised each other that we will be each other's maid of honor at our weddings & I'm keeping that promise.
I invited the rest of the girls (Lizzie, Kassie, Cici, Jaz) as my bridesmaids.
I'm not sure who Luke picked yet. most likely Carter.

~Luke POV~
So I picked Carter as my Best Man for our wedding. He is my best friend in the entire world that stuck by my side from almost everything, he is the perfect man for the job. I can't wait for the date.

1:30 pm
Desi had this idea of how to ask everyone so we are the store at the moment getting all the supplies.

Since mostly everyone lives down in Georgia, it takes about a 2-4 weeks for the mail to get there. So we need to get them out asap but we are not in such a rush cause the wedding is in 1 month & 1/2. Except for Carter since he lives close to us.

~Desilou POV~
8:30 pm
We just finished buyin all the supplies for the gift boxes & we are now at home making them so that we can send them out in the morning. as well as the wedding invitations for everyone else.

11:45 pm
We finally finished the gift boxes. We packed them up in mailing boxes & put the proper shipping address on them. then we put all the mail near the door & 1st thing in the morning we are going to ship these things to the Post Office to get them all shipped out.
I'm so excited!!

2-4 weeks later
~Desilou POV~
I get text messages from everyone I invited to be my bridesmaid & Amy (maid of honor)
It's been a crazy morning & day replyin to everyone all at the same time.
I have even gotten some texts from people who were invited. All of them asking the same questions basically:
-Your getting married?!
-Who is the lucky guy?
-How long were you two been together/ engaged?
-Why haven't I been noticed that you found your other half?
& also some other texts like:
-Finally your getting married!
-I'm so happy for you!!
-Congratulations! I'll be there for sure!!
-I'll try to make it.
-Idk if I can make it cause of work but I'll try my best.
& -If he brakes your heart/gets cold feet, I'll brake his face. (Protective Uncles, I swear)

~Luke POV~
Carter & the rest have agreed about being my Best Man & Groomsmen.
Then all the guys started talkin about the bachelor party. oh great. They started a group chat.
Carter:C/ James:J/ Dave:D/ Kent:K/ Kevin:KA
All of them. Literally. I swear. Texted all at the same time:
So I texted back
"You guys are funny, but you know desi would kill all of y'all 1st then me for having strippers at our bachelor party."
J: he's got a point. I don't want to die before I get married.
K:fine what should we do then?
D: we can go to s sports bar & get him drunk as hell.
L: uhhhhh No thanks.
KA: luke, your not planing this we are. your lucky we let you in the group message. 😂
L: fine, but I'm telling desi to kill you first if you guys plan on anything that will piss her off. 😉
C: trust us. why would we want to piss of little o'le desi now? 😏
L: shut up Carter.
C: make me.
L: I ain't fighting now. Keep on going with whatever shit you guys are planning.
J: what about a BBQ? & we can get Luke drunk! 😂👌
D: I'm down! I just want to get Luke drunk that all!😂
KA: I'm In
C:🙋👍 count me in.
L: 👆I didn't know Carter was a girl😂
C: there's a lot you don't know about me Luke. 😂
D: lol Carter. But I'm down.
J: so what do you say Luke? good?
L: I'm in, Bachelor Party @ CARTER's!! 😂👌
K: YES! Luke is going to get drunk af!!
D: IKR! I can't wait!
L: most likely desi is going to call the house for her & her girlfriends to have there party here.
C: True that. Hy Luke you should like hook me up with one of desi's many friends.
L: uhh yea, no. You can do that on your own time. 😂👍
C: fine.
K: 😂 you tried
KA: better than nothin 😂😂
J: 😂😂😂
D: 🙈
L: alright G2G guys talk to you guys later. Bye
K: is the fiancée calling y'a?😂😏😏
L: No. She ain't.
KA: yes she is.
L: maybe she did, maybe she didn't.
C: we all know she called you Luke, "to come back to bed"!!😂😏😉 👊got your back bro!
D:Oh My! 😏
L: NO! She didn't call me for that you perverts! 😂😂
J: what did she call you then?
L: to unload things for the wedding. Ok I really G2G or else she is going to get pissed at me. bye! 👋
J: Bye!!✌️
C: 👋 bye man see you in a bit.
K: Bye amigo!👋
KA: ✌️Peace!
-End of convo-

Sorry it's a bit short. hope y'all liked it thou. this was one of the extra ones by the way. & then again I'll fix any mistakes later.

Don't forget to
Love y'all always.

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