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Ok 1st I want to say 1.05 k views wow that's amazing! I never thought this Lil ole story would get that far. 2nd I love y'all so much! You guys are awesome! Forever & ever I'll love you guys! Ok well lets get this story on the road! Here we go!

Month later
~~Desilou POV~~
Ok so it's been a month & today Luke is leaving on tour. Gosh how I'm going to miss him so much. I kind of tried to avoid any convo, etc. with him today so the water works won't come out. Luke left to take their last walk to the pond with him until he leaves. Those dogs love him to death. They are sure going to miss him.

~~Luke POV~~
So I took the dogs out so I could be with them for 1 last time. At the same time I did this because Desi has been acting weirder everyday & now she is absolutely weird. i dont know what happened. We haven't fought. That's good. We kind of made love almost twice a day. 3 tops. So what could it be? She won't talk to me. Every word was either "yea, yes, ok, sure, no, mmhhm, or yup." So I couldn't take it I had to leave the house before I go. But I wish I was at home spending my last few hours with her. 😔 ugh this is killing me. That's it. "Chevy! Gunner! C'mon lets go home!" They ran to me from playin in the pond. I packed up my fishing gear in the quad & we were off back home. Once I got back, I walked in the house. The dogs stayed outside cuz they were muddy. Haha losers. Then I walked up to the room & there was Desi. Laying on her stomach in our bed. I walked up to her & sat right next to her.
"Baby, what's wrong? This is killing me. It's eating me alive seeing you like this & ignoring me. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me."
"Luke, you didn't do anything. I'm fine, really. I am"
"That's the problem Desi. You say your fine but you & I both know I know you better than anyone even your parents sometimes. your not alright. I can see it. please tell me what it is if it's not me, then what?"
"I'm just going to miss you a lot, idk how I'm going to be able to survive without you Luke." She then started crying.
"Come here"I grabbed her & pulled her into a hug.
She was crying on my shoulder while sitting on my lap with me rubbing her back.
"Just always keep in mind, we are getting married in a few months ok?, anyways isn't the wedding planner suppose to meet here with you today?"
She looked up from my shoulder & looked at me straight in the eyes. Wow her icey baby blues are beautiful & shiny
"Yes, but I feel like the your not going to like my kind of wedding without you here not telling me"
"I don't care what kind of wedding we get just as long as I'm getting married to you" I smiled leaning in for a kiss but
"That's the thing, Luke, I don't know what wedding to say. & i don't know if you like my ideas"
I sighed "ok, then tell me your ideas"
I smiled at her.
"No, cause your not going to like my wedding that I want."
"Well, how am I suppose to know & see if I like your ideas if you won't tell me" I chuckled turned my head to look at the time on the side table. 12:30 ok I got lots of time.
"Ugh, true, true, ok"
"I was thinkin of a barn, burlap, modern country kind of wedding."
"I love it" I said smiling tryin to get that kiss. & she kissed me. YAY! I GOT IT! I GOT IT!! (Dancing internally)
"You do?" She asked
"Babe, did you forget I grew up on a farm?" I chuckled
"No, I just thought you wouldn't like it, cause I don't know really." she chuckled burying her head in the crook of my neck.
Luckily the talk wasn't that long so now I could give her my ideas for something else nothing to do with the wedding. 😏
I then flipped her over & started kissing her neck.
She giggled since I was kissing her tickle spot. Then it turned into moans when I got her sweet spot.
"Luke, what are you doing?" she giggled
"What does it look like I'm doing?" I mumbled
"Ummmmm I don't know. you tell me"
I felt her smiling
"Desi, c'mon I'm not going to see you for months, plz, before I go, baby plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz." I mumbled in her neck again.

-period of time later-
We were asleep cuddled up until my alarm to start heading out rang. I blinked a few times before I was fully awake. I lifted my head & saw Desi still passed out on my bare chest. I smiled & extended my hand that was hold her & grabbed my phone. She stirred & groaned a little.
"Sorry babe." I told her while giving her a kiss on top of her head. I wiggled out of our grasp of each other & headed to take a shower. Once I came out, I saw Desi still sleeping peacefully. I really hate to leave her but work is work right? & I can't believe I'm getting married to this beautiful human being in a few months, September 20th to be exact. Yes I just told you the date. I know Desi didn't want anyone to know so DON'T TELL ANYONE! Ok thanks. So back to my life. I checked the time & I saw it was 5 mins until I need to leave. So I grabbed her phone & went into the notes & wrote her a letter. once I finished I locked her phone with the notes still in place so when she opens it she will see it. I kissed her forehead one last time & grabbed my bags & left to may truck to load everything up. The dogs followed me out & I gave both one last pet/hug. "You guys be good to Desi & protect her for me ok?" I told them. I knew they understood me especially Gunner. He knows the command protect. They just wagged their tails & barked. "Shhhhh. your going to wake up Desi." I laughed at them. I then got up from their level & opened me trucks door. I was about to hop in when I heard my name. "LUKE!!!!!!" My head shot up & looked straight towards the door when I saw Desi standing there, it looks likes she was searching for me cause she was panting. I smiled at her & she ran up to me & jumping in my arms.

Luke? *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now