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~Luke POV~
I shivered in my sleep & my left side left cold. I opened my eyes but then closing them shut again when I saw the bright suns rays through the shades of the room. once I adjusted to the light I looked around & saw Desi on the other side of the bed. I was confused. what was she all the way over there? I then reached over to grab her from her waist & pulled her very close to me. She groaned a little, it was funny. I then seductively whispered in her ear. "Why are you all the way over there & not in my arms?" I felt her shiver at my voice & it made me smile. "I don't know how I got here" Desi said turning her head looking right into my eyes. I then leaned in & kissed her passionately.
"What are we gonna do today?"
D: I dont know about you but I have to start some planning on this wedding of ours that's only in 8-9 months, I have to start buying gifts & I have to help mom start decorating the house for Christmas.
"Wow, ok, well I can join you with all of those duties of yours" I smiled down at her. "Then we can have breakfast & maybe Lunch together before I have to leave tomorrow morning."
D: that would be lovely to do this with you today.
She smiled & gave me a kiss.
We then got up, took showers (separately), & got ready for the day.
After we headed downstairs where everyone was waiting for breakfast being made by Jessica.
"GoodMoring everyone" Desi answered making our presence known
"Goodmorning" they answered back.
"Would you two like a plate?" Jessica asked
D:No thank you, Luke & I are actually going to go eat breakfast & get gifts for christmas.
J: ok have fun!
Then I got Desi's truck keys & headed outside to her truck. Once inside we pulled out & went to go eat at IHOP.

~Desilou POV~
Once we finished eating we headed to the mall cause the best stores are there. This is my list:
Mom- necklace
Dad- his Favorite cologne that he runs out exactly every year & a leather tool roll
James- more Xbox games & gift card to Cabelas
Dustin- gift card to Cabelas
Annie- necklace
Amelia- baby toys
Derek-gift card to Cabelas
Luke- a Watch+ a new bow an arrow he wanted badly
Chevy & Gunner- some new improved hunting gear & raw hind bones
Kelly- necklace
Lee- personalized beer cup
Jordan- Frozen dolls (she into frozen badly)
Mama- necklace
Tommy- leather tool roll, new gloves, & a leather tote that says firewood on it for when he brings wood inside.

So first we are heading to Cabelas to get the gift cards & so I can secretly order Luke's bow to be shipped to the house. Once we went inside Luke went straight to the bows & started drooling over them while I went to the front. No line, Yay. so I grabbed 3 cards & purchased $100 ea. into them. Then I ordered Luke's Bow & an order of arrows which came to a total of $4,595 & I bought the Dogs' gear here too. so I spent $5,000 in one store. Wow. But as you know Luke said "I don't care what you spend as long as it's special from you"& "That money will be back with in a week." I refused but you know he won't let me win. After I ordered everything, I crossed out the gift cards & looked for Luke & sure enough he is taking his sweet time looking at each bow.
"Baby. I got the cards. lets go"
L: ok
He said putting the bow back on the rack carefully.then he walked up to me & grabbed my hand. 1 store down, many more to go. next up the jewelry store. We got a few fans come up to his & get signatures & pics. they are so sweet. some even wanted my signature. I was surprised & Luke was just calm like nothing happened. we finally made it to the store & I looked in the show cases looking for each perfect necklace but as well has nothing to expensive since I bought all that for Luke. Luke was on the other side looking at the watches. I sneaked a peek cause he pointed out a watch & the worker pulled it out & gave it to him for him to see it. "I really like this one." I heard him say. I then went back to looking at the necklaces. There where the 4 perfect ones.
A Diamond Heart Necklace 1/4 carat tw 10k Yellow Gold for my Mom.
Diamond Heart Necklace 1/5 carat tw Round-cut 10k White Gold for Annie & Kelly
Open Heart Necklace 1/10 carat Diamond Sterling Silver for Mama.
Which all came to a total of $1,278.38. While I was paying I told Luke to go to the next store to buy my dads & Tommy's tool roll.
"Ok" was all he said.
After he left I bought the watch he wanted but I didn't just buy the watch, oh no, no, I got some engraving on it.
"I Love You Always & Forever"
I bought most of the things with my money. Oops lol. well the gift cards I used his card but the gifts I'm buying him is from me & I paid half the price for the necklaces. Then after I caught up with Luke. He already had the leather tool rolls, leather tote bag, & the gloves so we just paid. After we paid, we headed back to my truck loading everything in the back seat. then we were on our way to the last store. Petco. to buy the dogs' their bones. After that we went back home but we left the gifts inside cause we are having Christmas up in Nashville so everyone is coming up. I ordered the cologne & frozen dolls to go to the house in a week I will go up so I can get everything ready & prepared for our guest. After so, we arrived home. We plopped on the couch as we entered the house.

~Luke POV~
Man, I can't wait for Christmas. When we were in the jewelry store I bought Desi a Diamond Infinity 1/20 carat tw Necklace Sterling Silver 10k Gold & further accented by a heartbeat styled in 10K rose gold at around $119.00 I hope she will love it. Once we got home I stuffed it in my duffle bag & helped everyone decorate the house for Christmas. After me & Desi are going to start the wedding planning tonight. I believe we are going to make a list of who is going & to decide our invitation style.

-3-4 Hours later-
We finally finished decorating the outside of this two-story house, the inside stairway, & finished decorating the 10'-15' Christmas tree they put in the middle of their entrance way. Their colors this year were red & white. I can't wait to go home & decorate our first Christmas tree.
We were all in the living room resting, while Jessica was preparing a snack.
Soon Desi came into the living room with a computer, pen & notebook, she then grabbed my hand & lead me out to the backyard. Then we entered the barn & climbed to the hay loft. We sat beside each other resting our backs against the hay bales & talked about who were are going to invite.
About 25 mins later we had about 250 people we were going to invite, from close family, close friends, other family & friends from all over the states. Then Desi was looking at different designs for the invitations, we were still in the same spot with my arm wrapped around her & soon I started getting really bored. then an idea popped into my head. we are alone. we are in a barn ALONE. Nobody to disturb us. it's a nice beautiful starry night. I soon looked at Desi & smirked. I pulled her close & started nibbling her ear & kissing her neck. "Luuuuukkee" was all she had to say before I knew she was feeling the same way as I was. I closed the laptop & moved it away from her still kissing her neck. Then I gently pushed her down so I was on top of her & you know the rest.

~Desilou POV~
After our private moment we fixed ourselves up, gathered everything, & headed back inside. Everyone was still watching movies so we headed into the living room to join them. Luke & I sat next to each other with his arm around me & I snuggled into his side on one love seat, while my parents were on another in the same position & James was laying on the couch in front of the TV. During the movie, I felt Luke's heartbeat slower. I looked up at him & saw that he was sleeping with his head tilted back. I then looked up to my mom & dad. Dad was the same way as Luke. I giggled, which made my mom turn to me like "what the hell you laughing at?" I pointed to dad & Luke & she looked & giggled as well. I then got up which made Luke wake up. "where you going." he said in his groggy voice stretching out. "I was about to wake you up to go to bed." I told him.
"Ok" he said scratching the back of his head. Then he went back to sleep. I giggled. "Luke! let's go to bed" I sayid pulling his arm.
L: I am in bed.
Man is he tired. He don't know where he is at. 😂
"No your now. you on the couch"
I giggled & so did my mom.
She was able to get my dad to bed & she was now waking up James.
"Come on, Luke. I want to go to sleep too."
L: ok...Ok... I'm up.
He said fluttering his eyes open.
We soon walked up the stairs & into my room. once we changed & as soon as our heads hit the pillow we knocked out. then Luke pulled me close & said "I love you Desi. Always & Forever"
"I love you too, Luke. always & forever" & from there we fell asleep.

This was a purtty decent length chpt right? Idk, it's up to y'all. Hope you enjoyed it! I'll fix any mistakes later! I haven't gotten the time to re-read things lately.

I love y'all Always & forever!
Don't forget to

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