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~~Luke POV~~

Well tour has been good. Right now we are on the 4th city, Ive been in pain & soreness, but I ignoring it, I just think its all the dancing, I haven't danced in a while so maybe. & I wrote a couple of new songs on my free time:
-Everytime I See You
-GoodBye Girl
-Do I
-I See You
-Better Than my Heart
-Faded Away
-I Knew You That Way
( I know they are from different albums but they go with how Luke is feeling so lets just pretend they aren't........Ok?.....Ok... Thanks)
I have tried to forget about Desilou, but I just couldn't. & I think these songs made it worse for me.& I haven't told anyone about what happened between us. But Everyone keeps asking me "whats wrong? You haven't been yourself lately." & I just reply with "I'm fine", "I'm good", or "just tired". So yea, everyone is getting on my case, I know they want to help me but honestly it's getting annoying & their help won't actually help me get over the love of my life that I lost cause of my stupidness. Hopefully I could find a girl & get over it. Hopeful this time I can hook up with someone now that I know Desilou doesn't want me.

In a few minutes I'm up on stage. & I'm going to sing my heart out.

I was in the middle of my show when my left arm started hurting, & going numb. I couldn't singing, I was slurin the words, so I stopped & looked around. I was feeling dizzy, my head pounded, then i got a sharp pain on my chest. i grabbed my were my heart was & thats when everything went black. All I heard was "OH MY GAWD!! LUKE!!!" From the crowd & I heard carter come up to me & say "Stay with me, man! Stay with me. Call an ambulance! NOW!!! I'll call your mom." Then that's when I blacked out completely.

~~Desilou POV~~

So some days have been fine but others have been a living hell. All I could think about is Luke. Is he going to come back & apologize? Does he still love me? Will I ever find another guy like him? Will I ever get married? Can he trust me again? Lots of questions come to mind.

--At Work--
So I walked into work a little late today. Then Lizzy noticed something was up I guess cause she kept looking me over. Then she pulled me into an exam room & started talking:
L: there's something wrong in this picture but I can't put my finger on it.
D: there's nothing really. I'm fine.

I started walking toward the door but she grabbed me taking me back to the spot I was standing before.

L: No there's definitely something wrong. With the way you look & especially the tone from your voice. But I just can't......OMG! Your ring is missing! What happened!?
D: Nothin.
L: Who called it off?
I looked down when she asked me that
L: you did, didn't you?
D: yea.
Then explained everything to her, from high school, to the reunion, to the break-up
L: oh but still he didn't know you had another brother that shouldn't be a reason to call off the wedding.
D: your probably right. It just I was mad & I couldn't believe he would think I would cheat on him. It's insane! But he probably hates me now
L: I know, but come on. He lost you many times in high school with your high school lovers, then he did loose you when you guys lost contact. So he kinda has a right to be like the way he acted. He couldn't loose you again. That's how much he loves you Desi. Just think about that. & you should talk to him again. It might cheer him up.

She then handed me a newspaper & walked out. The newspaper read on the front cover "LUKE BRYAN SUFFERS A STROKE!!" Oh My GAWD! I put a hand over my mouth & started to cry. I dropped the newspaper & ran out the room & to my truck. & I cried there for about an hour until someone knocked on my window..... it was Cici.
I rolled my window down to talk to her.
D: Hy
C: what's wrong.
D: everything
C: like?
D: I can't eat, I can barley sleep, Im depressed, I've have headaches everyday, every night I have a fever from crying cause I broke up with Luke. & now he is in Louisiana in hospital suffering from a stroke!
C: oh Honey! I'm so sorry! Come here.
she opened my truck door & took me into a hug & rubbed my back, I soon started crying again.
After a while of crying I calmed down
C: why don't you go see him?
D: 1st I don't know where he is at
2nd he probably hates me
3rd he probably doesn't want to see me ever again
& 4th I broke up with him so he will be like "why did you come?"
C: oh
D: yea
C: I think you should take a little vacation. Get your mind off things for a while.
D: I can't just leave you guys here all by yourselfs'
C: yes we can, & anyways Dr. Suzy can take over.
D: are you sure? I can just leave next week
C: yes I'm sure now......(she closes my door).......don't come back in 2 weeks, on a Monday. Ok?
D: what! Two weeks?! I can't do that.
C: yes you can. Now go on get out of here!
She smiled & waved at me while I left the parking lot.

~~Luke POV~~
So I woke up but I couldn't open my eyes. I could only hear a beating noise & a light snore. "Who's here? Why can't I open my eyes? Where am I?" I thought to myself.
Then I heard the door open.
& I hear the snoring stop & the other person that came in say "Has he woken up yet?" It's a mans voice. But who? "I'm afraid not yet." Carter? Is that you?! "Ok he should be walking up anytime soon" "thanks doc" oh he is my doctor ok. Then I heard the door open & close again. But then I heard "OH MY BABY BOY!" Mom? I try so hard to move, but I just can't. Then I feel my hand get a grab by someone else's hand & I heard my. On crying "OH GOD. PLEASE DONT TAKE MY ONLY BABY BOY AWAY!" I'm awake Mama! I'm awake! Do t worry! I Just can't open my eyes & I can't move. "How did this happen?" I'm guessing she is asking carter "I don't know Mama. We were jut on stage. He was singing & having a great time. Next thing you know he falls on the stage & starts shaking like crazy cause he was having a stroke. The doctor said he had the stroke because he had to much stress on him." "Oh My. I wonder what he was stressing about? The tour maybe?" "Maybe we wont know until he wakes up."
Then I say "Im awake" & everyone's heads turn to me. Mama then comes to me & wrap me in a hug tight hug. "Thank God your awake."
Then the doctor comes in a little bit later on.
D: Hy Mr.Bryan how you feeling?
L: Good
D: Ok we are just going to run some tests & if everything is good we will be able to release you.
L: ok thanks doc.
D: your welcome.
Then he left & the nurse took some blood & headed out.

--1 hour later--
The doctor came back in & said I'm good to go. So I got my things & we left. I gave the fans another day when we will do the concert again. The security guards at the arena stamped on each ticket "reschedule" cause the doctor said I had to rest for a few days.i told Mama that she didn't need to be here taking care of me but did she listen no. She stated "You mister just suffered a stroke. Now I'm going to help you recover wheat her you like it or not." I laughed. So I guess I'm stuck with Mama for a few days. Oh well I love her to death. "Do you want me to call Desilou & tell her everything about what happened?" When she mentioned Desi my laugh & smile s came short & made a sad annoyed face. "What happened Thomas Luther Bryan?!" She asked me in a serious tone with her hands on her hips. "She.....um.......she broke off the wedding." I said looking down.
M: "What why? What did you do?!" L:"NOTHIN! Ma!"
M: "yea right! You damn did something for her to brake off the engagement."
L: "Fine"........(then I explained everything to her.)
After explaining she said
"LUKE, your an idiot you know that. I thought I taught you better than that!"
L: I know Ma. I.......I just let the best of me come out. & I know I'm an idiot. I'm more than a idiot. I'm a bastard asshole idiot jerk. That's who I am"
M: "damn straight you are."
L: "I know"
M: "now get some rest, so you can heal faster. I'll check up on you in the morning ok? Bye sweetheart."
L: "ok bye Mama."
M: "& Luke?....."
L: "yes Ma?"
M:"You better get her back before it to late."
She looked at me with a serious/glaring face & said every word with a serious tone
L: "I know, I know"

So I'm going to speed up a few months in the next chapter, it will take place in the middle of Luke's tour, & if your asking about Desilou's vacation, she just chilled up in the mountains in a cabin with her Best Friend Anna. Srry for being a little to short. I promise that the next one will be long. hope you guys enjoyed it

Love y'all

Don't forget to

Luke? *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ