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~~2 weeks later~~
I finally moved in with Luke & yes of course I brought Chevy so Gunner has a playmate now. We moved all my stuff except the furniture which was already there out to Luke's house all in one day. My house is on sale right now. I can't wait to see the house! I'm working from my computer with the charts & spreadsheets & once in a while ill go down there & check if everything is ok. I said goodbye to everyone down at the clinic & I said thank you to Lizzy & Cici for helping me with my brake-up phase.
&...........& GUESS WHAT?!
GUESS WHAT!!!!!! We figured out our date for the wedding!! But I'm not saying anything to anyone yet.

~~At the house~~
His house is huge! & I thought mine was huge & gorgeous, man was I WRONG! He had 3 floors occupied by rooms not just any rooms:
Hunting room
Game room
Award room
His office (downstairs 1st floor behind French double-doors) &
With about 4-5 bedrooms on the 3rd floor with their own bathroom
& a basement where he has is studio. & his room or OUR like he says it is on the 2nd floor to the right.

Today Luke had a few friends for a BBq cook out & so i could meet everyone & vice versa. I love seeing Luke is his natural surrounding with his friends, it's really cute seeing him smile & laugh with his eyes glowing with happiness.
Everyone came:
Jason & Jessica +their girls
Eric & Katherine
FGL & Britney<- Brian's wife
Brad & Kimberly +their boys
Blake & Miranda
Dierks & Cassidy
Tim & Faith +their girls
Eric P.
Brantley + his fiancée
Lee & Sara
Some of Eli Young band came
Eli & Kacey + Kline
Chris & Candace
Frankie &
Luke's tour crew
(I finally got I meet them + everyone else)

We were in the back yard on the patio
Luke cooking up some hamburgers & hot dogs. The kids running around the yard playing. It felt nice to have friends over. The guys were around the grill talking to each other while the girls sat around the table gossiping about god knows what.

~~Luke POV~~
So everyone is at our house today for a cookout. I was having a blast with my girl on my lap. Then Desi said she needed to use the bathroom, I felt alone. Even though she just went to the bathroom. but I didn't show it & continued to have a good time with friends. But at the same time Desi was acting a little strange today. oh well. I hope she ain't getting sick. I can't stand seeing her sick. I hurts to much.

~~Desilou POV~~
Everyone already ate & was stuffed.
The kids where inside now watching a movie, most likely most of them fell asleep. & us adults where still outside on the patio drinking beers, but not me. I never turn down a beer but I just don't feel like drinking tonight I don't know why. It's very weird. Then I had to go use the restroom so I told Luke where I was going & I was on my way.
Once I entered the bathroom I threw up in the toilet. WTH! I didn't feel sick nor did my stomach feel whizzy. I threw up another time when Miranda came in cause I'm guess she heard me.
M: what's wrong? Something bad you ate?
(Picking up my hair)
D: I don't know to be honest. I just came to use the restroom & as soon as I entered I started throwing up.
M: umm....... Desi?
D: yea?
M: when was the last time your period came?
D: last month why?
Then she gave me the I thought so glare/stare
D: OH NO, NO,NO,NO! I CAN'T! I can't be!
M: well it looks like it.
D: Oh My God! we ain't even married yet!! what is he going to say?! will he want it??
M: he is going to be super happy & he will want it! It's his kid! What kind of man doesn't want the love of their life to carry HIS child.
D: your right
M: I'm always right
D: haha your funny.
M: hahahahaha. Lets go to the store & buy you a pregnancy Test
D: ok. Can you go I think I will vomit in the car, you can take mine or Luke's truck
M: ok I'll be back.
I was throwing up stomach acid since I don't have anything in my stomach anymore.

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