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It's was around 5:30-6:00 am this Saturday morning. I wanted to wake up early to hopefully catch some good ones today. So I made a quick bagel & gave Chevy some food while I got dressed & ready for the day. After hunting we will be staying at one of my best friends, Amy's house. More like a Mansion Ranch but she doesn't like to admit it. But I don't blame her. It took us a few hours to get to Muckalee Creek but we made it. So I'm currently sitting on a rock watching for any bird movement while Chevy is by my side staring at me waiting patiently for my command. After like about half an hour to an hour they start to come out. I caught a few & Chevy retrieved every last 1 of them that I shot down. They were quails, they are small so I took a few more down than usual for dinner, because if I'm going to Amy's house that only means one thing, she is throwing a party (get together) with our college group that we hung out with. Well after that fun was over, off to the other fun part, meeting my college group friends after not seeing each other in a few months.

~~Amy's house~~
So Amy & I started dinner & of course she invited everyone.everyone was finally here & we all had a great time, talking, laughing, & catching up on our life's that we might have missed. You might think oh it's a group of about 4-5 people, no way, we were about the largest group in college,
about 20-25 of us. Then plus the ones that got married, forget about it. LOL. & you are probably wondering, "& Chevy were is she?" Well to tell ya', she never left my side, that's how she has always been when my best friend from high school, Luke, gave her to me for a birthday gift. She was about 7-8 months old, she is 5 1/2 yrs old now.

~~Luke POV~~

(So idt I need to inform you about Luke but here he is barely going Famous & so here is a brief info about him)
Hy, I'm Luke, I'm 25 yrs old & I just released my album & it's #1 on iTunes now. I live in Nashville, Tennessee but I'm heading down to Georgia for some vacation time. As well as some good ole hunting with a few boys down at the hunting grounds. So I'm packing up clothes & stuffing them into a duffle bag cuz I ain't stayin that long. After I packed my clothes, I gathered my hunting gear & loaded everything up. Everything was loaded & ready to go so I locked my house door & jumped into the drivers seat of my big black jacked up truck. I was mentally checking off things & making sure I had everything. Then when I knew I had everything, I whistled & my dog Gunner jumped through the window & onto the passenger seat.

~~Couple Hours Later~~
We finally made it to my Mama's house & I started to unload everything. Mama & Dad came out, we hugged & I took my things inside up to my room. Then I started putting everything in its place when Mama yelled from downstairs "Luke!, Dinners ready!" So I stopped & headed downstairs to have dinner.
M: So what are you going to do while you are here?
L: Go hunting with a few of the boys then I don't know, relax I guess.
D: I heard this season is better than last season.
L: Really? That's cool!
M: Luke, I have a question for ya'.
L: Alright shoot
M: When will you get a girl?
L: Umm.......
D: Yea, son, I want to meet the lucky girl that's going to be my daughter-in-law & I want grand kids to take 'em fishing at the pond out back.
L: I don't know, I just.....
M: Your a 25 yr old man, Luke. You ain't getting any younger.
L: I'm aware of that ma'! I just....
M: You just what Luke?
L: I just can't.....I don't know what....I try to but I'm not seeing any interests in any girl around me.
& the rest of dinner was silent but little did she know I have an interest, an interest since high school that I never could get rid of & has been stuck in my head since I first laid eyes on her. The thing is I never told her my feelings for her. I know what your probably thinking "Why dint you tell her when you had the chance, Luke?!" Well to tell you the truth I wanted to badly but I didn't think she liked me the same like how I liked her. & if I told her it would ruin our friendship. We were best friends. & another truth I liked her even before we started talking & had become best friends. But when we went our separate ways we lost contact with each other after 1 1/2 months of graduating & I lost my only chance. I regret it everyday, I really do & I always have the "What If's" in my head. I couldn't finish my dinner with all of these thoughts of regret ness so I just pushed my plate away from me & took my beer & went outside for some fresh air by sitting on the dock & started talking to my brother, Chris.

~~Desilou POV~~
Ok so it's at 11pm now & about half of everyone is passed out somewhere from all the shots & beers we drank. I'm not much of a drinker, I'll take 2 or 3 at the most. We were all having an awesome, chill, Lay back reunion. That lasted until when everyone kinda needed the bathrooms to puke. That's reason 1 why I don't drink a lot. So finally I got tired of the best day ever & headed to my room & fell asleep as soon as I laid down, I didn't even bother to change.

~~Luke POV~~
So I finished up my beer & headed back inside. Once I got inside I went straight up to my room, but my mom called me into the kitchen where she was washing the dishes.
M: Luke?
L: Yes?
M: I just want to apologize for earlier
L: It's ok
(I started to leave but Mama started talking again, so I was turning around slowly & rolling my eyes)
M: No it's not, I shouldn't not have gone into your life & tell you what to do & when.
L: Ma' really it's ok.
M: You sure? Cuz it was very inappropriate for me to.....
L: Ma' reeaallly......Itssss Oookkaayy.
M: Ok, I guess. I'm sorry & Goodnight
L: Goodnight Mama.
I gave her a hug & a kiss on the cheek & went to bed.

So what do you guys think?

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& I want to give a BIG THANKS TO @TLB71776 for the inspiration to make my own Luke Bryan Fanfic! So THANKS!

Luke? *Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon