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~Luke POV~
So it's Christmas Eve. & I'm still stuck at the hotel with a blizzard outside. The blizzard isn't that bad from yesterday but it's still a blizzard. & they still ain't letting anyone out &! &! I still have no service!!! this fuckin sucks!!! Desi has been texting me, & I know she is worried sick about me. I'm just one phone call away but service is gone.

~Desilou POV~
Justin & I have been ignoring each other. Thank the heavens. Cause I really don't want to have a conversation with him. my parents already seen him & my dad hates his guts for hurting me. My dad will give him the death glare all day, every day, if he had the chance to. but of course my mom snaps him out of it. I just wonder how Luke is cause it's Christmas Eve for Gods sake & he isn't home yet. 😥 I still have been texting him but never an answer. Is he ignoring me? No right? So I decided to check into the city he was in to see maybe some tragic happened but I really didn't want to look but I know I had to find out. I grabbed my laptop & searched the city up. Then I see "BIG BLIZZARD NEVER SEEN IN YEARS" now that explains the no text back, he doesn't have service. I hope he is safe indoors somewhere. I closed my laptop & headed down stairs. I seen mom cooking with Mama. & everyone else in the living room watching TV or dinning room chatting. Soon breakfast was made & everyone gathered at the table & dug in.

~Luke POV~
So the guys & I headed to the lobby to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. There was a huge buffet when we walked in. All of our mouths literally dropped to the floor & drooled. then like kids on Christmas Day, we ran to the buffet line, each grabbing a plate & stacking our plates. soon we went to go sit at a table & started choking everything down. After we finished eating we stayed there for a bit so our food could go down & then we headed back to my room to play some video games to pass the time.

~Desilou POV~
After breakfast mom, mama, Kelly, & I cleaned the kitchen & dinning room together. soon we were done & were just spending the time with each other. soon mama asked
"Has Luke texted yet?"
"No he hasn't." I hung my head a little.
"I searched the city where he was at & they are havering a powerful bizarre blizzard."
Mom:really? Oh my
Dad: I hope that kid is ok.
Tommy: I hope so too. I hope he doesn't do something stupid to find a way home.
Everyone chuckled a bit but Justin he just stares at me. (Creep)
Mama: tommy shut your mouth. That kid is our son & I know he won't do anything stupid.
Tommy: oh I know he is our son, but that kid will probably do something stupid.
After our talk about Luke died down we went back to watching movies & lounging around.

~Luke POV~
So the blizzard just died down!!
Yay! Yay! Yay!! I'm heading to my truck now. Once I got in I pulled out & drove to the exit of the parking lot building. I don't fuckin care if the snow it 5" deep I'm going home! Once I was on the road I was on my way home. I can't wait to see my family but I really can't wait to see my baby girl Desi.

I turned up the radio & started jamming out. Soon it became static so it turned it off. Stupid service still not working. Only God knows how many hours I'll be out here driving home. but I ain't stopping until I get there.

~Desilou POV~
It lunch time now & I'm something simple. 3 layer Mac n' Cheese. I was letting the macaroni cook now. this is one of Luke's favorite lunch meal that I make for him. I wish he was here. I feel so alone. Everyone has there half with them here & I'm the only one who doesn't in this house.
& as for Justin & his staring problem, he is still continuing. he thinks he controls me just because we dated but not anymore. he doesn't control me, I control myself now. so lunch was done & I called everyone in & sent James to get Dad, Tommy, Dustin & Derek from the barn outside.

~Luke POV~
I just passed the Tennessee border after about 3-4 hours in the car. I'm home! Well not actually home home. But I'm in the state! Just a few more hours then I'm actually home. I might get home around 10:30-11pm

~Desilou POV~
We all finished eating & I was pretty tired so I went to bed earlier than I always do. I hope Luke makes it home by tonight or tomorrow morning.
I plugged in my headphones & listened to Luke singing to me while helping me fall asleep.

~Luke POV~
So it's 10:54 pm, like I said I was going to arrive. I hopped out of my truck almost forgetting everything in there & almost leaving the door open.
Once I got out it was pretty chilly outside. Perfect cuddling whether 😏. I ran to the door & unlocked it carefully & slowly. I didn't want to wake anybody up. soon I gently closed it behind me & walked up the stairs. I got to our room & cracked the door open a little. I seen that she had her earphones on listening to.......(I picked them out & turned her phone on) Me.....shes listening to me. wow. I paused it & moved the earphones aside. soon I hovered over her & started kissing her on her sweet sweet lips & neck. Then I wished in her ear "Hy baby girl. I'm home." she opened her eyes immediately & smiled widely. I smiled back & she kissed me slow but a hard passionate one. man did I miss this. soon things were getting kinda out of hand. Then she stopped.
"Babe, our parents & friends are here."
"I don't care, I haven't seen you in a long while. anyways their upstairs, they can't hear us" I mumbled into her neck while kissing her slowly most likely giving her love bites.
"But still, I don't think it's a good idea."
"Desi please. I was stuck in a blizzard dying to come home to you."
"Fine. But tonight only" she said pointing at me face looking straight into my eyes.
i put my hands up in defense "only tonight" I smirked at her.
She rolled her eyes.
{certain amount of time later}
I rolled off of her & was now laying on my back. We were both so tired that we could only turn our necks to see each other. I then kissed her & but then that lead to round 2.
After our little "Play Date" I pulled Desi towards me & we soon fell asleep. I glad I made it home before Christmas day.

Like I said they might be short. only reason is because I'm doing all this at night & I'm tired. & other reason is, I need to wrap this phone up tomorrow. son I'm phone less for about 2 days. But I hope you all enjoyed it. Merry Christmas Eve to y'all who celebrate it. I'll fix mistakes when I get back on here.

Love y'all so much again!
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