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1st thing
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! So this is a little thanksgiving special. Ok so enjoy:

~~Luke POV~~
So I was asleep until my friend Jason called.
J: Hy Luke, you up?!
L: I am now.
J: Srry to wake up but we got to start heading down to the hunting grounds so we can catch'em good ones for tonight!
L: Ok I'll be ready in 10.
J: Ok I'm on my way.

~~10 mins later~~
Well I'm done getting ready. & I'm just waiting for Jason to get here.
After like 20 mins he FINALLY gets here. So I hopped in the truck with my hunting gear & Gunner jumps in the back & we started heading down to the the grounds.

~~At the Hunting Grounds~~
We just got here & a few of the boys were already here.
I was already wearing my hunting outfit obviously, & I was putting on some paste on my face & put on my hat. Then I got Gunner's orange breast vest & tied it on him. Even though we ain't doing big game, just hunting Turkeys, but you never know when something might go wrong.

So it's been a few hours now, & I caught 2 large turkeys & Jason caught 1 it's pretty small. Haha loser! So we all headed to our trucks, Gunner & I headed to Jason's truck so he can take us back home. I took off Gunner's vest & he jumped into the truck & I took off my shirt.

While we were heading out, a truck pulled in & two girls came out, they had their dogs with 'em. The Golden retriever looks like Chevy, the pup I got Desilou for her birthday. But I couldn't get a face, she wasn't facing my direction. But I swear it looked like her from the back, I think I'm imagining her now, God Dammit. Great I'm going to see her everywhere I look now. Thanks to my Great Brain of Mine.

~~Desilou POV~~
So when me + everyone else woke up most of us had hangovers. Lol. But Me & Amy still wanted to go hunting today. So we left everyone at her house with Advil & Aspirins for their hangovers.

So Amy, her dog, Maxwell (Labrador), Me, & Chevy went down to the hunting grounds today to catch some turkeys cause today is Thanksgiving!! When we pulled in a few trucks were pulling out. Looks like a few boys had their fun today. I hope they left some for us. But there was a dog in the back of one pick up that stood out to me, that dog looks exactly like Luke's dog, Gunner, that I gave him for a Graduating Gift. I then took a look inside the truck & those guys look very familiar too! But I couldn't really make it out since the windows were tinted a little. I probably seen them before somewhere I guess.
So we hunted for a few hours, Amy & I both caught one turkey. We didn't care how many we got, just at least we had some fun together.

So it was close to dinner time so Chevy & I got in my truck & headed to my parents house. When I got there my parents Jessica & David, my grandparents Lynn & Tim, my older brother Dustin, & his wife, Annie, there new baby girl, Amelia, she is the cutest baby ever! She's got Dustin's dirty blonde & blue eyes but has Annie's looks. & my other little brother,James, were all there.

Dustin has dirty blonde & icy blue eyes like I said & he is in the military but right now he is off. It feels good to have him back after so long. I think the last time we seen each other was like 1 yr ago,when he came & surprised me at my college graduating, cuz he lives on the base with Annie & Amelia.
James has dirty blonde/brown hair with green/hazel eyes. He is a junior in college & majoring in Engineering.

Once I got out of my truck Dustin came out & I just stopped in my tracks & stared at him. Shocked. But Chevy ran up to him happily. Once Dustin said HI to Chevy he got up & looked at me & opened his arms out. I didn't waste anymore time & ran up to him.
& when I landed in his arms I started crying.
De: I can't believe your here! I missed you so much! (Sniffling)
Du: I know I missed everyone but i missed you the most.
(Dustin & Me were always close, even though we had our bro & sis moments we always came to each other for advise or help. We never really talked to our parents about anything. We had each other)
After that we went inside, I hugged everyone & said Hi. Then we talked while dinner was still being prepared.
Then dinner time came around, we said grace & we had a great Thanksgiving.

~~Luke POV~~
So when I got home dad took the turkeys out back to clean them up. & I went upstairs to wash up in time for dinner.
Once I was done I headed downstairs my sister Kelly & her family was already here. Kelly was in the kitchen helping Mama with dinner while Lee was in the living room watching the game that's on tonight with Jordan, my 5 yr old. niece, sitting on his lap. I went into the kitchen to say hi & grabbed a beer & then headed to the living room to watch the game with Lee.
As soon as I sat down, Jordan yelled "Uncle Luke!" & jumped onto my lap. "Hy babygirl! How ya' been?"
"Good! Uncle Luke? Wheres Gunner I want to play!"
"Well he is waiting for ya' in ur play room. Go! I bet he will be happy to see you!" She has a play room here when she comes over a stays with my parents. "OKAY!!"
Then Lee said "Thanks, I couldn't watch the game with all her questions" & chuckles
I chuckle with him & reply "Your Welcome"
She is in the age of asking questions about everything, lots of "Hows? Whys? Whens? Wheres? Whats?"

Then dinner came & Mama yelled from the dinning room "Dinners
Ready!" So Lee, Dad, & I went into the dinning room & sat down. We said grace & started eating. But then again Jordan wouldn't stop talking. Everyone was starting to look annoyed so I told her, "Hy Jordan, if you quietly finish your food Ill buy you Ice cream tomorrow! How's that sound?" She looked at me with bulged glowing eyes "YAY!! I'm getting ice cream!" "Yes, you'll get ice cream if you eat all your food, quietly, though." She looked at me & put her Finger to her month & said "Shhhh quietly." Then I whispered "Yea, quietly." Then I looked up at Kelly & she mouthed "Thank You" & gave me a small smile. & I smiled back at her & everyone finished their dinner peacefully with small talk here & there.

So OMG! Luke & Desilou passed each other & they don't even know!!!! They were right in front of each other!!

So here is the Thanksgiving special.

Don't forget to
Fan, &


Happy Thanksgiving Again!

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