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I was heading out to my truck until I bumped into someone that I wasn't expecting to see........

"Derek?" I asked shocked.
"The one & only, how have you been lil sis? How are the old folks & the other bros doing?" He asked. I never talked about him cuz we all thought he died in war but I guess that didn't happen. So, I guess now I'm the only sister to 3 brothers.
D: Desilou/ DE:Derek
D: we are all good. But what? How? When?
He chuckles
DE: Well idk what you heard about me but....
D: you died Derek! You died! Do you know how hard it was for us?! Especially Dustin?! (They are twins & very close to each other & Derek has been gone for like 6+ yrs.) He was devastated! Didn't want to eat, couldnt sleep, going through depression, the list goes on, Derek! You know he joined the military cause of you?! Cause he wants to get the guy that killed you! & now since he is going to find out your alive he is going to want to quit but guess what! He can't quit!
DE: ok, ok, but what ever they said was all a miss understanding. I never died. As you can see, I'm still here. Long story short I was in a coma/Unconscious for about a year or so as to what the doctor said from over there. We were kept in secret dorms so nobody could come & killed us. We were saved by some guys over there & Dustin joined the military?! Just cause of my "death?!" What the Hell!
D: yes he did, & I want the whole story.
I told him while stomping/walking to my truck & he followed me with all his military bag of gear/clothes.
DE: ok, Some one ignited a bomb where my team & I were at. & most of them didn't make it. The only survivors were me, Kevin, & Johnny. We were all in a coma. It's kinda funny, we all woke up like a minute apart. Johnny, me, then Kevin.
Then we didn't get released from the hospital until being in there for another week. Then we had to show up to the base camp & everyone was shocked to see us cause they said they went to go check out the site after it happened & they didn't see us there. They thought we blew into pieces. Then we explained everything to them
So then they sent us to England to live there for another year & a half or two to recover & stay away for our protection & our families. Then after we recovered in peace, we were then able to go back home to our families. I forgot where we lived so I was just heading to the bar to get a beer then I would ask for directions until I bumped into you. What luck right?"
By the time he was done we were in front of my house but he continued
"Wow this is your house?"
D: Yes, it is my house.
DE: Wow.
D: Thanks & there is a guest room right down this hall & the 2nd door to the right.
I told him pointing down the hallway downstairs
DE: thank you lil sis.
He said giving me a hug
D: I'm so glad your back home
DE: Me too, sis, Me too.
Then he headed down the hall to his room & I went upstairs to go to bed.

~~Luke POV~~
So after Desi called, I went to the kitchen to grab a beer, & headed to the living room to watch some tv.

I guess I must have fallen asleep while watching tv cuz I woke up to the suns rays hitting my face. I got up, took my shower & got ready for work. I was doing a commercial for Cabela's today.
Once I was done I texted Desi
"Goodmorning darlin, hope you have a wonderful day today.😊😘 love y'a."
Then I grabbed my truck keys & started my way to work.

So after about 2 hours over at the commercial sight my manager called saying I would need to go on tour. To be honest I don't wanna, but at least it ain't 1-2 year tour it's only 6-7 month tour in 19 cities, 18 in states. This ought to be fun yay!.....😐 So I'm heading to his office right now so we can discuss about it.
--At the Office--
M:Manger / L:Luke
L: alright man, that's get this over with.
M: Ok, we just need to find a starting point & a ending point. Where do you want to start? & Where to Finish?
L: Ok, we can start here in Nashville at the BridgeStone Arena. & finish at Baltimore Area, Baltimore MD.
Then we can figure out all the other cities.

Luke? *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant