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I'm back!! & I got my new phone!! My parents didn't forget!! It's an iPhone 6!!! 😆👐 alright let's get back to the story now.

~Desilou POV~
So it's been 6 days after Christmas which only means it's New Years Eve!! So currently Luke & I are getting ready to go to a New Years party & we are staying until midnight & who knows how long after that. I jumped into the shower & started from there

After about 1/2 hr I finally found what to wear. All the way in the back of my closet was a strapless gold sparkled dress that I bought a long ago. I don't even know why I bought it, I just liked it even though I knew I wouldn't wear it. but today that's going to change.

I pulled it out & laid it on the bed. I went back into the bathroom to apply light makeup & I curled my hair but ruffed it out so it wouldn't be still.

After I finished in there I went back out still with my towel tight around my body i went to the bed. I stood there staring at the dress not thinking about anything just staring & smiling. I then dropped my towel & I'm guessing Luke walked in at that time.
"Woo! Babe. Are you trying to kill me or something?" He said while I was slipping the dress on & him walking up to me.
"Not intentionally, No" I googled & winked at him. He smirked while wrapped his arms around my waist leaning his forehead on my forehead. "Zip me up please?" I smiled turning around slowly in his arms. "Sure" he said while starting to zip me up. I then turned around & noticed what exactly he was wearing. Man I think if someone wore this outfit it wouldn't fit great but on him it was WOW!
He was wearing a Tom Ford black/silver suit with matching pants, white dress shirt, black tie, & black dress shoes & a silver with black polka-dot pocket hanky.

~Luke POV~
When I walked into the room, man I stumbled backwards to the floor.
Desi was smokin hot with what she was wearing. & I'm not talkin about the dress 😏 from my view it was the most perfect view ever! Hy, I can say those things cause she is my soon to be wife. So chill. After I zipped up her dress we headed downstairs & into the black SUV. then the driver started his way to the New Years party.

-At the party-
We just arrived. I got out of the SUV first but turned around to help Desi out. I extended my hand & she grabbed a hold of it. So we were walking down the red carpet hand in hand.
So we got to the photograph section. We were next to go when I turned to Desi & it looked like she was a bit worried. I whispered in her ear. "don't worry babe. everything is going to be fine." then I smiled at her & she smiled back. I went first for a solo pic. Then Desi joined. Everyone was calling my name to look somewhere. Luke over here. Luke over there. same old, same old. Then I left Desi to the next part of photographs. There were 3 parts. When I left Desi she gave me the wide eye. Like she didn't know what to do. "your ok." I reassured her with a smile. she took a deep breath & smiled that beautiful smile of hers. then she joined me again in the middle but this time as soon as she came to my side I pulled her in & kissed her really good. Showing everyone who has my heart & love. Everyone & even the crowd of fans were screaming. Me & Desi smiled into our kids & then we pulled away so the photographers can get shots of her. We did the same routine again minus the kiss.

~Desilou POV~
I was nervous as hell when we started walking the red carpet. I tightened my grip on Luke's arm but I don't think he noticed. Then we came to the photograph section. I almost passed out but then hearing Luke's voice calmed me down.
Then he did his pictures but when he left me I didn't know what to do. after I went to join him again, I wasn't expecting that kiss from him in public. After all the photos we entered the gala ball room. it was decorated in gold & black & there was a count down in the front where the stage was at.

We met up with a few buddies such as Blake, Jason, Cole, Eric, FGL, etc. We then sat a a table with Blake, Jason,Cole & FGL & their ladies. We talked a while I sitting next to Luke, who had his hand on my thigh.
Then the music started playing, Luke's grip got a bit tighter & he leaned into my ear. "Do you want to dance?" I smiled & nodded "I would live to" he then got up & asked for my hand. I gave my hand to him & we walked to the dance floor. We were dancing slowly to the soft music & soon Blake & Miranda joined next to us dancing in their own little bubble. I hand my hands around Luke's neck & my head was on his chest/shoulder area & he had one of his hands on my lower back & the other on my waist. we slowed danced until the song was over. we didn't have have of a conversation mostly silence between us but it wasn't an awkward silence it was peaceful. Once we stopped we headed to the bar to get some drinks. I got 901 Strawberry Kiwi Margarita& Luke got a simple 901 & Tonic. once we got our drinks I sat on the stool while Luke stood beside me & we chatted for a while him asking me how I liked the party so far & such.

Soon it was 11:59 pm. Some guy walked on stage & talked into the microphone. Almost everyone was drunk. Luke was buzzed but on the verge of being drunk. Blake & Jason were the same way. Me, Jessica, & Miranda laughed at them quite a bit because well, 3 friends that are pretty much drunk do the funniest sh*t ever.
"Alright everyone let the Count Down begin!" The guy announced
Everyone started counting
Then everyone raised up their glass
"1!!!! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" Everyone screamed as soon as the clock struck 12:00 am.

After that everyone parried like there was no tomorrow we ended up staying until around 3:30-4 in the morning. Luke & I were pretty drunk. I know I said I'm not much of a drinker but come on. 1st it's New Years! 2nd I get drunk occasionally not everyday. But he was worse then me. We headed to the SUV & went home. But I think Luke & I both knew what we both wanted. We stared at each other for a bit then all I felt was his lips attacking mine. Then I jumped into his lap & his hands started making their way up my dress. Luckily there was a divider (like a limo) between us & the driver. Soon enough we got home without us even noticing. I looked up & saw the driver pulling up into our driveway.
"Luke" I whispered to him that he was kissing my neck
"Luke." I said a little louder
"Luke" I whispered/yelled
"What?!" He released from attacking my neck quite annoyed.
"We are home" I satiated pointing outside.
"Right.....Home" He said looking outside.
Then he opened the door & hopped out setting my feet on the ground.
He shut the door close & waved goodbye to the driver. then we walked to the door & I was opening the door but it was pretty hard with Luke kissing my neck again. I then knew at that moment that I was going to have a few marks on me tomorrow. As soon as opened the door I bolted in, up the stairs & into our room, with Luke hot on my trail. I shut the door & I dropped my dress on the floor & hid under the blankets waiting for Luke. Soon enough I heard the door open. I wanted to giggle so badly. Then I felt 2 legs straddling/hovering over me & 2 hands beside each side of my head. I was in the verge of laughing. then the blanket was snatched out of my face & I saw Luke's face hovering over mine smirking. I giggled & that's when everything went down.

~Luke POV~
I woke up to Desi crawling over me & straddling & swaying side to side on me. I was on in my pants that I wore last night & half way shirtless meaning my button up shirt was opened. & I was on the floor. I don't know how I ended here. I'm guessing Desi got up before me cause she was in a green dress with a gold chain belt around & gold high heels. she also had her hair done & she had little makeup on with earrings. I laid there just staring at her & rubbed soothingly on her legs. Then that's when the hangover started. My head pounded badly I could take it so I shut my eyes tight.
"I brought you this" I heard Desi says. I peeked & saw her holding 2 aspirins & a water bottle. "I love you" I smiled at her
"I know you do" she smiled back giving me a kiss. She removed herself off of me & sat up. I was in pain. Sleeping on the floor isn't very pleasant. I then drank the aspirins & hopped into the shower to start the new year with the pretty girl by my side.

So I'm back! as you all know. I'm so happy! So hopefully you guys enjoyed the 3 chapter updates & I hope you enjoyed this one too. I'll fix mistakes in a bit

Love y'all always & forever!
Don't forget to

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