
911 25 5

I just want to say

~~Desilou POV~~
So after our thanksgiving dinner we hung out in the living room for a while & at around 11:30 pm I said bye to everyone & left back to Amy's house.
Today is when Chevy & I go back home. I really don't want to but you got to keep your job for money right?

So when we arrived at Amy's house, I packed up all of my stuff & loaded into my truck ready to leave tomorrow morning.

Once we all woke up, got ready for the day, & ate breakfast, it was sadly time to leave. Chevy jumped into the passenger seat, I was saying Goodbye to Amy & that we should do this again sometime.

~~At Home~~
We finally got home after like a 2 hour ride back cause there was traffic everywhere! Mostly cause everyone is going back home from thanksgiving dinner.

Today was just a lazy day to get pass all the food eat ate & to eat more left overs. So that's what Chevy & I did.

~~Luke POV~~
I love Thanksgiving, it brings our family together because we hardly have time to spend it with each other now.

Well today my friends & I are going hunting one more time before I leave back home in 2 days,& tomorrow I think I might spend time with the family once more.

So after I was done gearing up, Gunner & I hopped into my truck & we made our way over to the hunting ground to hunt down some deer.
Once there I met Jason & we heading down the creek. Jason & I are up on the tree looking over trying to spot the herd. We finally found one. & I'm about to take a 6 point shot.

Once I took the shot it came down. While Jason & I were gettin off the tree, Gunner went to go find it & we meet him there. We were walking a few feet behind Gunner, but while that we were walking something didn't feel right & I couldn't figure it out. I was looking around like someone was watching us. Then when I turned back around I saw everything happen right in front of my face. Gunner steps on one of those bear claw traps for foxes. He yelps/whimpers/cries for help while Me & Jason run to him. Next thing you know he gets shot but thankfully he has his vest so I only punctured the vest & it didn't go through him. I start crying cause Gunner is loosing blood & we can't get the stupid trap to open. I can't lose Gunner, he is the only thing I got left close to Desilou. Jason finally got it open & I pick up Gunner, & start running to my truck. I told One of my other friends Cole to go find the buck, & that Jason & I are taking Gunner to the hospital.

Once we hop into my truck, Jason is driving while I'm sitting in the back with Gunner next to me. It hurts me seeing him in sooooo much pain. While I'm sitting back there I look up the closest Vet hospital there is & I called them to tell them we are on our way & what happened.

~~Desilou POV~~
I was just sitting on my couch watching TV when I got a phone call from the vet clinic.
D:Hy, what's up?
N: You have to get here fast! It's an emergency, some guys are bringing in their hunting dog that got caught in a bear claw trap. They said he lost so much blood. I think he is going to need surgery.
D: Oh My GAWD! I'm on my way!
--End of Phone Convo--

In like 5-10 mins I was at the vet clinic waiting for my new patient at the front. Next thing I know, they pull up in a big black truck. The same one from the hunting grounds. I run outside, & a nurse gives them a towel to wrap the dog up so we can bring him in. I saw a glance of the dog, it was the same one from the hunting grounds that stood out to me. I snapped out of my thoughts when the guy from inside pulled the dog out & started carrying him inside. I rushed inside to get the table ready for him. Most of my team was ready they were just waiting for me. Once the guy sets the dog on the table, he starts to panic that he he going to loose him. I look at him & I finally met his eyes with mine. We both mouth to each other "Oh My Gawd!" It was Luke!!! Luke!!! MY BEST FRIEND FROM HIGH SCHOOL! HE IS HERE! & OMG THAT WAS REALLY GUNNER! THE GUNNER THAT I SAW AT THE HUNTING GROUNDS & THE GUNNER IN MY CLINIC NOW! Then we stared at each other for a few secs then I just told him "I'll take care of him." & turned around to start this surgery & with that a nurse escorted him out the room with Luke walking backwards watching nurses dress me & prepared me for the surgery & looking at Gunner praying silently.

~~Luke POV~~
It's been 2 1/2 hrs since I came in with Gunner for the surgery. I know he is in really careful, steady hands & Desilou is probably sweating in there. Oh My Gawd! I can't believe I just saw Desilou after all this time not seeing her! & she is still in Georgia & I never knew! When I laid my eyes on her, I just wanted to hug & kiss her! You know that saying "Let something go & if it never comes back it wasn't meant to be yours.....but if it does it was meant to be yours" well I think fate brought us together cause we were meant to be. I can't wait to see both of them again. I hope Gunner is doing well. He is a fighter.

After about 3 hrs I start to hear things going on, on the other side of surgery door. Nurses running around, Desilou yelling at them to hurry & etc... I gets me really worried & I go to the desk & ask/yelled
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THERE!" Pointing to the door
"Sir, everything is fine."
Then Jason comes up to me says "I'm sorry about him, he is just nervous, he really loves that dog." & starts to push me back down to the seating area. "C'mon relax, sit down, everything is going to be alright."

~~Desilou POV~~
It's been 3 hours already & I have stopped most of the blood & started fixing some of his torn muscles. But then all of a sudden the bleeding starts again but rushing out & fast. Nurses start running around & I yell at the nurses to hurry to get towels, while I'm trying to stop it again. Then I finally got it to stop & we can proceed the surgery. After 4 1/2 hrs we finished the surgery & it looks like nothing happened but he just need it to heal. After surgery I got wash up so I can talk to Luke. This might be very interesting. While I'm washing up, some of my team starts to wrap up Gunners paw.

After I finished wash up I put my lab coat back on & headed to the door. I stopped right in front of the door & took a deep breathe. I'm not scared to tell him the bad news, cause there ain't any. I actually will die if Gunner didn't make it. I'm actually scared/nervous to talk to Luke again after all these years.

So I head out the door scanning the waiting room to find Luke. Luke had his head down & his friend was on his phone. I then walked over & stood in front of them. Luke's friend looked up & nudged Luke. Luke looked up & when he saw me standing there he jumped up immediately. Looks like he has been crying for a while, but his Brown creamy eyes still had the sparkle of love that they alway had for me. I gave him a small shy smile, I placed a stray hair behind me ear & said "Hi Luke...."

Cliffhanger!!! This is so crazy! Desilou & Luke finally seen each other after like 5 yrs! Hope you enjoyed! I might double update tonight. Not sure yet. So don't get to excited. :)

Luke? *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora