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~Desilou POV~
So today I'm going to head back to Luke's & I's house so I can start getting everything ready for CHRISTMAS!!!! 🙌 I'm so excited to have my first Christmas with the person I dearly love. Im leaving exactly at 8:30 am it's 6:30. I took my shower already & got dressed. Once I packed all my bags & dogs stuff & loaded everything up in the truck it was 7:00 already. everyone woke up early so we can all say bye. I walked back inside I I could smell my moms home cooking. Yummy. I walked into the kitchen & everyone was there. My mom of course, cause everybody burns the food except me I know how to cook. my dad drinking his coffee while reading some paper & James well he was just sitting there watching my mom eagerly wanting food. I sat down next to James & started waiting as well. once food was done mom brought us all a plate & some OJ. We all made small talk about when everyone was going to my house for Christmas. Once we were all done eating I helped mom pick up the table. then I went outside to load up the dogs in my truck. that's when everyone came out to say bye. I then hopped into the truck I waved one last time before starting the 4-5 hour trip back home. hopefully there's not that much traffic & I can make it in 2-3 hours. I texted Luke that I was in my way back home to get everything ready.

~Luke POV~
Tour life sucks, don't get me wrong I love being on stage & singing my heart out. As well as seeming all my fans but touring around Christmas time especially when Christmas is exactly only 4 days away. That kind of sucks. I have a feeling Desi is stressing about having the house spotless clean. I kind of wished I was there to help her. I kinds feel really guilty about letting her do everything in that huge house farm. My schedule lately has been hectic. interview there & here, sound check literally like every 2-3 hours, M&G's, Private shows, & concert time. I haven't really gotten the chance to buy Desi something, other than that necklace I got when we went shopping but that's it really. ugh. I wish I was home. I really do. Just a little more & the tour is over.

~Desilou POV~
So I just got home. traffic wasn't that bad, made it at 12:36 & the stuff I ordered online were all sitting in the front porch. I unloaded the dogs & went straight to the door. I first open the door & then I grabbed all the boxes & took them inside. after I went back outside & took everything out of the trucks bed & toolbox & called the dogs in. after I settled everything I grabbed my truck keys, I was going to head to the store to buy some cleaning supplies & gift wrapping supplies.
-At the store-
I just entered the Walmart. I grabbed a cart & started shopping. I seen they had some camo gift wrapping. PERFECT! For Luke's gifts. I grabbed it & some others for the rest of the family. I grabbed tape, some scissors & tags. then I was on my way to the cleaning supplies when a few fans recognize me & asked for a picture & autograph. I politely agreed & then I was on my way again to the cleaning aisle. Once I had everything I went to check-out & loaded everything into the back seat of my truck. Then I was on my way back home.

~Luke POV~
So I just finished an interview for a magazine & now I'm headed to dress rehearsal. I don't know why I need to rehearse when I'm only changing once. After it's sound check, then it's 1 1/2 hour break, private concert, M&G's, then the concert. I'm so tired.

~Desilou POV~
Well I already got home & I just started cleaning everything. I started upstairs & work my way down. I don't need to go to the 3rd floor where the guest rooms are at cause they are clean because lately nobody was here. I'm currently in the game room, picking up all the controllers & games boxes that are thrown on the floor, blankets, cups, & plates everywhere. Wow. how long has this room been like this. The last time I was in here, which was the 1st time I came, everything was spotless. sheesh MEN. I then swept & mopped the room & closed the door so it can dry. then I peeked I to the Award room, I don't think it needs any cleaning. So off to the Hunting (Man Cave) room. I was pretty descent so I just put everything in its place & Swept & mopped then left. then I did our room, his office, then I started to clean the kitchen & entrance to the house. after I cleaned all the rooms I left the living room last cause I knew I would like to take a break. So i made my way to the couch & sat down. I looked at the time it was 5:30 pm. wow I've been cleaning for about-4 hours. I picked up the living room, swept, & mopped then I went back into the kitchen which was dried & fed the dogs & made myself a sandwich. after we all ate I put the cleaning supplies away in the closet & headed upstairs to our room. I started wrapping as soon as I gathered everything up.

~Luke POV~
So it's time for the M&G's now. I can't wait to see more fans. I live them all. I really do. I got to the door & on the other side I could hear them all screaming. I wanted to play a little joke so I sent someone in. they thought it was me coming so they screamed so loud my ears think they would pop if I was any closer. But then they settled down when it wasn't me. I laughed & entered the room. Their screams went wild. It put a smile to my face. I stood at the back drop & line started moving. one by one came. I signed something & took a picture with them. simple. Once we went through everyone I headed back to my dressing room. Soon it was almost time for my concert to start. I texted Desi that I was about to go in stage.

~Desilou POV~
Luke texted me & I replied with "Good Luck honey! Have a great time in stage for me. & be careful!" I had just finished wrapping all the gifts & I placed them next to the fireplace since we don't have a Christmas tree yet. Oops. well may be Amy can come with me. I'll call & ask.
-Phone convo-
A: hello?
D: Hy Amy, it's Desi.
A: Hy Desi, what's up?!
D: I was wondering if you wanted to come over & help me pick a tree down from out back.
A: SURE! I'll be there in the morning!!
D: awesome! Thanks!
-End of convo-
After our little talk I cleaned my gift wrapping mess, fed the dogs, & made my self something from the fridge. Soon I was done I went upstairs to go to bed.

So I'm back from Mexico!! Yay!! (Dancing around my room) no more Mexico! & I got wifi!!! Yea!! I'm so happy!!!! I'm tired from this 3-day work more than vacation. So I'll fix mistakes later
Love y'all so much!

Don't forget to

Luke? *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ