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So Desilou Marie Applebum......." I got down on one knee while taking her left hand. "Will you do me the honors &.............."

"Marry me?" I told her while I took out my grandma's engagement ring that she gave me before she passed away. Nobody knows where it's at or who has it. Only she & I know.

Little did Desi know was that when I was getting ready, I went into my watch box to get a watch & something in there caught my eye. Something shiny & sparkly:

It was getting close to the time I needed to pick up Desilou. So I showered & got dressed in some black dress pants, black button-up shirt, with a white suit coat & my black boots.
~~End of Flashback~~

When I was putting on my black shirt, I was in front of my dresser where the box was. So when I grabbed my watch the ring was under it, I grabbed it & looked at it closely. I smiled about it & put it in my suit coats pocket. I knew what exactly I had to do tonight. I knew exactly what to ask her.......

"Now we don't have to get married in the next few months but....." I was soon cut off by a pair of lips.

~~Desilou POV~~
OMG! First my best friend comes back!, then he kisses me!, takes me out to dinner!, kisses me again!, & now here he is on my front porch asking me to marry him!
I was is so much shock that after he asked me to marry him, he took out the ring & OMG it's the most beautiful ring ever, it's similar to his grandmothers ring. He started talking but I cut him off crashing my lips on his. After that I slowly pulled away & said "Yes, yes Luke I'll marry you. I don't want to lose you again either" & smiled at him. He smiles back, places the ring on my ring finger gets up & kisses me ever so passionately with those soft lips of his. It soon turned into a make-out session again. & he pushed me up against my door holding onto my waist. I have one arm around his neck pulling him closer & the other opening to door. So we are inside & he closes the door by again pushing me up against it. Then he grabbed the back of my thighs signaling for me to jump. Soon I jumped & wrapped my legs around his waist & my arms around his neck. Never breaking the kiss & his hands were on my butt holding me up. Going to my neck & hitting my sweet spot behind my ear again. He then started walking to the living room & laid me down carefully. We're making out on the couch for about an hour or less until we were stopped by Chevy.😒 She came running in jumping & licking our faces. We laughed & both pushed her away but that didn't stop her. So we just called it done for the night & we cuddled on the couch. Luke laying down with me half way on top of him with my head & left hand on his chest. & Chevy finally calming down laying on the floor beside us.
He then threw a blanket over us that was on the couch from earlier before I got the emergency call. Then he started playing with the ring on my finger. Then I asked him
D: "Is this like your grandmothers ring? It looks very similar."
L: "Actually, it is my grandmothers ring. She gave it to me before she passed."
D: "Really?! That's very nice of her to give it to you. I'm so sorry about her passing"
L: "Yea. Before she passed she called me into her hospital room. It was her, me, Mama, Dad, & Kelly." He stopped a little then continued "She told everyone to leave except for me. After everyone left she called me over & said "Luke, you know I love you, & you made me a very proud grandmother. I want to give you something for your future." Then I saw her start taking off her ring & I told her "No, I couldn't take it." She then said "Non-sense, it's fine, I'm not going to be using it any longer. I want you to pass it on to your soon to be wife. & carry on my ring, instead of letting it rot & spoil down there with me. It's better if its passed on then not passing down a family harlem." then I said "Grandma. Are you sure?" She said next "I'm positive, you know I would of given it to Chris, but he ain't here anymore, & Kelly is already married, so it's just you. Don't tell anyone about it ok. Only you, me, & our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, knows who has it & where the ring is ok?" "Ok grandma." Then she took my hand & held it giving me the ring. Then she smiled at me saying "I love you Thomas Luther Bryan"& passed right in front of me."

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