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A/N: Hi friends! This is it..the final chapter! I accidentally wrote 13.300 words instead of 10.000, so I have given you even more! Happy reading

000, so I have given you even more! Happy reading ❤

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"I'm so glad you were looking for an apartment!" Elena cheered when we finished the tour.

The apartment had been a pleasant surprise. There was enough space for me alone, and I didn't have to purchase any furniture. Daniella had taken perfect care of her home, looking at the immaculate state of it. I didn't think I'd end up in a place like this. It was better than I had imagined. It was everything I needed for my sojourn stay.

"Knowing Daniella's place is in good hands while she's away, is such a relief." Elena admitted aloud.

"Thank you for your trust." I said.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Coffee, please." I replied, and she nodded.

I saw Elena moving around the apartment with ease – she had surely been there more than once. She prepared coffee for both of us and joined me when she was done. After adding milk and sugar to my hot beverage, I moved the spoon around to mix it.

 After adding milk and sugar to my hot beverage, I moved the spoon around to mix it

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"Has Daniella been living here for a long time?"

"I think she moved to New York somewhere in 2010. She's had several apartments, but this remains her favorite." Elena explained.

"Do you know when she'll be back?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For now, I expect her to be gone for at least four months. But it all depends on the circumstances." Elena aforementioned. "I'll keep you updated on when she's coming back, so you've got plenty of time to look for something new."

"That would be nice. Thank you." I replied, giving her a warm smile. "I'm afraid it's going to be a task to find my own place."

"Yeah, so many people are looking for a place to stay. Also, New York isn't the cheapest place to live." She spoke matter-of-factly. "But you'll be all right for the upcoming four months. Daniella's neighbors are the nicest people ever, so please ask them for help if you need it."

Lush Expiration | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now