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Vicky West

After I picked my phone from the timber ground, I knew it was time to leave the Moulin Rouge. Spending my time in Marcel's former office had been hard on me, which resulted in calling his voicemail and having a minor meltdown

Hurriedly I exited the club and got a hold of my car keys before I unlocked my vehicle. Just when I took a seat in my Mini-Cooper, I started to question myself; whether it'd be clever to return to Harry's house or not. In the back of my mind, I knew a thunderstorm was waiting on me and I was too feeble to face it.

As the day of the verdict was approaching us, Harry's demeanor was getting worse while I was getting weaker. He knew he wasn't treating me with kindness, but he certainly had no control over his vulgar behavior while he endured so much grief and shame.

And even though I didn't deserve to be blamed for countless things, it was getting harder to ignore his words. However, I knew everything would change after the final verdict – hopefully.

Because I wasn't ready to drive straight to Harry's residence, I went in a different direction. I hadn't been to the beach house for months, but that didn't stop me from going. It was the only place that could shelter me during this hectic time in my life.

Not long ago, I had given Louis his keys back. But that didn't matter because there was a spare key hidden behind a loose brick. So when I arrived, I entered the house with ease. I thanked Louis for not removing the key from its secret place.

After I stepped inside, I flicked a light on so I wouldn't be surrounded by darkness. Compared to the days I lived here, it was exceptionally silent and empty. Still, it was like coming home. I had always felt safe in this house - except that time when Emma made a guest appearance - however, it had never let me down. This beach house and my previous apartment had been a place where I could breathe after a rough day.

But despite having two different homes in Los Angeles, Harry would forever be the only home I needed.

"Harry." I breathed out in a whisper.

Whenever I thought of him during this time of day, I was conflicted. We both knew we were going through our darkest days as a couple, but we had no idea when or how we would go back to our old life. Obviously, the day he'd stand in front of the judge would give us clarity about our future. For now, we had to wait.

Being at Louis' beach house, resulted in me thinking of all the boxes I had already packed and sealed; ready to be stored away seeing Harry and I were determined to live together someday

The boxes had been put in the living room because there was plenty of space to store them all. On each of the carton packs, I had written down its content. I couldn't help but let my eyes fall on the one that was filled with memories of Harry and me.

It was heavy when I lifted it; I didn't remember having so much in there. But when I sat down and opened it up, I saw the various memories I had safely stored. I understood why the box felt so leaden.

While I was seated on the floor and unpacked the parcel, I reminisced about our chaotic but beautiful past. I went through old pictures and found the one he had given me not so long ago. Harry had placed the picture in a white envelope to protect it from being damaged.

I remember seeing it on the ground with my name written on it – he had shoved it through my letterbox when I hadn't been home. On the inside was a high-quality photograph of us in New York City.

Seeing the picture he had given to me, it all gradationally began to make more sense. People had tried to prove to us why we were better off leaving a malignant place such as Los Angeles. They didn't tell us to go because they hated us. No. They told us to go because they were looking out for us. They wanted us to work, so they encouraged us to do what'd be best – leave it behind.

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