Kotoko - Chapter 20

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Irie's POV :

I was in shock. As soon as Dr She-Ji said that Kotoko fell I started running towards the middle floor which is where the doctor had told me to go. When I arrived I could see 2 persons picking her up into a cart. Kotoko looked so peaceful but I was still so worried. I got close to one of the people that were moving the cart to the elevator and asked :

Where are you taking her ? - I said worried sick

We are going to take her to do some X-rays. We need to check if she broke a bone or if she hurt her brain when she fell. We need to make sure she does not have a hemorrhage. - one of the doctors said

Ok, I'll go with you. - I stated

After the x-rays they moved her to a room and I sat on a chair near the bed. I held her hand so afraid of the "what if's". I couldn't think straight. All that's was going through my mind is how would I ever function without her. Just then the doctor came in and he told me that he wanted to explain what were they gonna do.

I have bad news and good news - said the doctor

Just say the bad ones first - I said trying to prepare myself for anything.

Kotoko broke two of her ribs and her arm - Doctor

That's it ?! Oh thank goodness! I thought she would be way worse - I said obviously relieved

Yeah jajaja ... then since that was good to you , I only have more good news. We did an MRI to check her brain and everything was fine. - Doctor

Then why did she fell unconscious? - I asked slightly worried again

She fell unconscious because she must have been shocked. It's totally normal for someone to get unconscious after they experience something traumatic or too shocking. - Doctor

Oh ok , thanks. I'll go wait for her to wake up now - I responded

I sat down to wait for her to open her eyes. While waiting I thought that I totally knew why she fell unconscious but I was so worried that I didn't even act like I was a doctor. I remembered that Kotomi was still in Satomi's house and it was getting late so I called Satomi to explain what happened. She wanted to come really bad and see how Kotoko was doing even when I had already explained, so she drove the kids to mom's house and came straight here. I called Yuki to see if he could get home with someone else but to my surprise he was in a date with Konomi so I decided not to tell him about Kotoko right now. My mom wanted to come but she decided that she had to stay with the kids. She would see Kotoko in the next morning.

Kotomi had never slept away from us and I really didn't wanna be be away from her but Kotoko needed me by her side. Just then I felt Kotoko's hand squeezing mine and I turned my head rapidly. I saw she was opening her eyes and trying to sit up.

No, it's better if you lie down - I told her

Ok... the last thing I remember was calling you - Said Kotoko

I know... I'm so sorry for not answering Kotoko. - I said feeling guilty

Irie-kun! You don't need to feel guilty about that. There is no way you could have known that. - She said

Yeah... - I said with looking at my feet

Kotoko suddenly grabbed my face with both of her hands and looked intently at me.

It's not your fault , so I don't want you blaming yourself. It was the floor's fault! Why did it even have water, right ?! - Kotoko

Ok , I believe you - I said

And we kissed. After breaking the kiss she started asking about Kotomi. I told her that Kotomi was at home and that my mom would come see her in the morning. I also told her that Satomi was outside waiting to get in.

I went outside and told Satomi that Kotoko had woken up and that she could go in. I also told the nurse to tell the doctor. I told Kotoko that I was going to grab some clothes for me and her from home. I went to the parking lot and got into the car. When I got home I grabbed an old backpack from high school and I instantly remembered of the first time I met Kotoko. We've gotten so far... It's amazing what became of us. Anyway I went back to packing our bag. I grabbed some pijamas and change of clothes for a week. I don't know how much time Kotoko will have to stay there but just in case. I took a bath and put on a loose shirt and some joggers.

I then went downstairs and saw that Kotomi was crying loudly not wanting to go to sleep. Satomi's kid was already asleep in a bed that mom made her. I grabbed Kotomi and she immediately calmed down. She was not the type of baby to make a fuss. She was really calm so when she did make a fuss it was really rare. I started moving her lightly from side to side in my arms. She soon fell asleep and I gave her back to mom. I said goodbye to everyone and kissed Kotomi's forehead before going.

As I was getting in Kotoko's room, Satomi was saying goodbye. She said she was coming tomorrow again and then left. I showed Kotoko what I picked for her and she didn't really mind what I got. Kotoko was like that. She didn't really care if her clothes weren't matched jajaja. I helped her bath and put on her pijama since she was still hurting. We watched some of Kotoko's favorite movies and then went to sleep. Almost at 2 am Kotoko woke me up saying that she couldn't sleep. So I got in her bed as slowly as I possibly could so I didn't hurt her and we went to sleep.

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