Appointment - Chapter 25

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Today was our second appointment to check the baby! The first one was when we confirmed the pregnancy and they checked that I was healthy and all. In this one they are supposed to a blood pressure check, listen to a fetal heartbeat with a Doppler and record my weight. I've been waiting all week for this appointment! I can't wait and Irie is just as excited as I am.

Since it is a week day and we knew Kotomi would have school we scheduled for 2 pm. That way we would have time to get Kotomi from school, take her to eat and go to the hospital.

We arrived to the hospital. Kotomi got out of the car with the help of Irie and then grabbed my hand and Irie's. Once in, we got to the counter where the nurse asked for my name. Then we had to write some personal information. Kotomi was playing with some other kids that were also there. She looked so cuteee!
Moving on we waited for 10 mins before we were called into the room. A doctor named Dr. Jisoo. She looked so young but they have told me not to let me be fooled since she knows a lot. She's even better than her seniors. Suddenly a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Kotoko! Welcome to your second appointment of your baby. Are you all excited ?! - Dr. Jisoo said with a big smile on her face.

HAII! We are super excited aren't we Kotomi?! - I asked Kotomi

YESSSSS! - Kotomi

Ok, ok baby. Let's sit here while the doctor checks mommy and the baby. - Irie

Ok! Then let's start Kotoko! This is gonna be quite cold so be aware jajajaja - Dr. Jisoo

Dr. Jisoo got some gel on the Doppler and started putting it in my lower abdomen. Minutes passed and she couldn't find a fetal heartbeat. She had a worried look. I then started to get worried and when I saw Irie I could tell he was as worried as me. Suddenly a fetal heartbeat was heard and we all let out a sigh of relief.

I was getting so worried... - Kotoko

It's okay Kotoko, it happens sometimes. Don't worry! - Dr. Jisoo said

How does the heartbeat sound ? Healthy ? - Irie

Yes! It sounds perfectly healthy. Wait... oh my god! - Dr. Jisoo

What happened ?! - Irie and I asked at the same time

There is another heartbeat... that's great Kotoko and Irie! You are having twins! - Dr. Jisoo

Irie-kun and I stayed in shock... are we really about to have TWINS?! Wow!

Are you sure?! REALLY SURE ?! - Irie asked

Irie-kun doesn't like people joking with him about things he wants dearly.

Yes! It's still too early to know the sexes but yes! Kotoko is having twins. - Dr. Jisoo

I quickly told Irie-kun to give the doctor a hug! I couldn't give her one since I was still on the table but you better believe that when I get up I will hug her. After that she checked my weight and blood pressure. Everything was fine which is something EVERY mother wants to hear. After getting out we went to the mall. I finally got to drag Irie-kun shopping YAYYY! Ok... moving on, we went to a new store that opened with clothes for kids. We bought Kotomi some things and then went to the supermarket. Irie-kun got the food while I went to the movie aisle to get some movies for tonight.

I loved living with Oba-sama but I feel like this change was necessary. Now Irie-kun and I really get to be independent. Even though we still don't do dinner at home.

We met up at the register to pay for everything and then went back home. After putting Kotomi's clothes away I got a call from Marina saying that they were all going to go kareoke and that if I wanted to go. I said yes and she said she would pick me up in an hour.

I went downstairs and told Irie-kun. I also gave him a speech about how he needed to be on alert with Kotomi because she's always finding something risky to do. I told him that she could only get the snacks that were not for school and that they should watch a movie after dinner so that she falls asleep quickly. I then went upstairs and got changed into a red casual dress and simple shoes.

Marina got to my house exactly one hour later after she called me. I have a goodbye kiss to both Kotomi and Irie. I then got in the car and we went to the Kareoke place. My friends were all there! It was so happy to go out with them after some time. The other day we were talking about doing things like this at least one time a month since sometimes two weeks pass and we don't see each other because of our shifts.

We sang, danced, and drank ( I obviously drank soda and Marina too ) ! Marina and I usually have the same shifts so we have become very close. And now we are even having kids together! Now that I think about, I should tell her that I'm having twins! I'll tell her in the way back home.

*On the way back home*

Marina you know that today I went to my appointment to check on the baby right ? - Kotoko

Of course! Hey , talking about that I had an appointment this week and it was so cute listening to the heartbeat! I'm just so excited! But anyway what were  you getting to ? - Marina asked curious

Well... I went today and the doctor gave me some unexpected news... - Kotoko said with suspense

Kotoko! Hurry up and say it! What did the doctor tell you? Everything is fine right ?! - Marina said starting to get worried

I'm having TWINS! I can't believe it, I'm so excited
YAYYYY - Kotoko said excitedly

OMG Kotoko that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see our babies playing together JAJAJAJA - Marina

It was great telling Marina. After that we couldn't stop talking about babies. When I got home Kotomi was asleep with Irie in the sofa. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Photo does not belong to me Hope you guys enjoy this episode! Sorry for updating late again🥺 Love you guys!! Stay safe 😷

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Photo does not belong to me
Hope you guys enjoy this episode!
Sorry for updating late again🥺
Love you guys!!
Stay safe 😷

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