My Everything - Chapter 26

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It's late afternoon already. I'm on my way to go pick Kotomi from school. Today me and Irie-kun are having a MUCH NEEDED date. Don't get me wrong! We love Kotomi sooo much but sometimes we need to go out just Irie and me. We are gonna leave her at Oba-sama's house at night and then go to eat.

After I arrived to Kotomi's school I went to her classroom and brought her to the car. I took her to eat some ice cream... but I told her not to tell Irie since he loves ice cream!

When we got home we started playing some board games to spend some time before Irie came home.

Yesss! I won mommy! I won in Jenga! WOHOOOO! - Screamed Kotomi

Again?! You are not cheating are you?! - I asked suspicious

Yes! I don't cheat! - Kotomi said

Alright, alright! Wow... you really did get my voice. I don't know what me and your father were thinking saying that you were more alike him because you prove us wrong everyday. YOU ARE SO LIKE ME! WOHOOOO - I said screaming

YES MOMMY! - Kotomi said screaming

What is all this screaming?! I could hear the both of you outside... I almost went deaf. - Said Irie suddenly surprising me and Kotomi

Daddy! Don't be like that! Mommy and I were just happy cause she says I'm more like her. - Kotomi

Oh really? She said that?? - Irie said while looking at me

Kotomi! That was between us! - I said looking away from Irie

Opps! Sorry! I'm gonna show you what mommy let me pack for grandma's house, daddy! Let me go for my backpack! - Said Kotomi on her way to the stairs

So... you were telling her that she's more like you? - Irie said bringing the topic up again

Ja ja ja... about that... we were joking! - I said still not looking at him

Mhmmm... now where do you think you are going?! - Irie said as soon as he saw me trying to leave the living room in tip toes

I was going to get something from the kitchen - I said trying to get away from this topic

Iriely then put his hand blocking my way to the kitchen and kissed me. I put my hands on his neck while he put his around my waist. Suddenly Kotomi comes with her backpack.

Daddy, look! - Kotomi said screaming from the hallway

And then we stopped. It's not that we feel uncomfortable Kotomi seeing us kissing! We kiss around her all the time. It's just that if we kept kissing it could have gotten intense and that's not what we were planning.

Kotomi put her backpack on the floor and started showing her change of clothes for an outing she was having with Oba- sama. Then she started telling Irie how school went and she almost slipped that we ate ice cream but she stopped at the right time. I looked at her and winked. Irie looked at me suspiciously but I would not tell him!

Later on, we left Kotomi on Oba-sama's house and went straight to a restaurant called "La fountaine".
We entered the parking and got down from the car. As soon as we reached the counter we saw a young man.

Do you have reservations for this lovely night? - Asked the young man

We do, they are under the name "Irie" - Answered Irie with a icy look on his face

I know he didn't mean anything bad by it, that was just his natural face. Only time he didn't looked at somebody like that was when Kotomi was around. Oh darn! I'm not supposed to talk about her cause I'll want to get back in the car and go look for her. This pregnancy hormones are making me even more mushy than I thought I was. It's gotten to a point where Kotomi will come up to me showing me what she did in school and I start crying. It can get quite embarrassing someti-
I was suddenly interrupted by the voice of my lovely husband, calling my name.

Kotoko! Stop dreaming and hurry up, people are waiting. - Irie

Haiii! I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't worry. - Kotoko

And just like that we made our way to the beautifully set table. I've never been to such a romantic restaurant. This is definitely my favorite from now on. Who knew that Irie would be so good at choosing a romantic place?! I was simply astonished. When the waiter came by I choose some pasta with bread rolls and some fries at the side ( I know you are probably thinking that those two don't mix... but trust me, they do ). Irie on the other hand ordered Yakitori which is grilled chicken skewers.

The food arrived fifteen minutes after we ordered which is very fast to me. My food looked so delicious and Iris's too.

Don't even think about it. - Said Irie looking at me

What are you talking about?? - I said, acting very innocent

I see the way you are looking at my food! You have yours so that's what you'll eat. - Irie

Wow... you are not even gonna give me a bite - I said while batting my lashes and showing him my puppy eyes

Ughhhh! Fine! But just one bite! And you'll have to give me some of your food too.

Fine by me!

So I grabbed my chopsticks and grabbed one of the grilled chicken skewers. They tasted so goodddd. Suddenly I saw Irie grabbing from my plate for the second time. I wasn't fast enough to stop him so I choose to take another bite of his since he broke the deal first. That's basically how our dinner went. We shared the plates because neither of us wanted to eat ONLY what we asked for. It felt so good to joke around like this. Sometimes I feel guilty for feeling like this, but then I remember that even when I love Kotomi so much I should also have time to myself with Irie. After sometimes I saw that it wasn't selfish to want to go out just me and Irie or just me and my friends cause I have a daughter but the fact that I do other things without her doesn't mean I love her less and she knows that.

That night we lucked up a sleepy Kotomi and went back home from our romantic dinner. I missed her so much even if it was just a few hours away from her that I let her sleep in our room that day.

There's nothing better than cuddling with the four people I love the most ( Irie, Kotomi, and the twins ).

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Photo does not belong to me❤️
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