The continuation - Chapter 7

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... it was Amelia 😫. I mean WHO invited HER ?!?! Anyway she was there when I opened the door and she looked at me with a smile ( which if you ask me seemed a litleeeee forced ) I guess she was faking because I was with Irie-kun. Nobody seemed to notice that I wasn't really excited that she was there. Irie-kun greeted her while I was in a bit of a shock... he seemed so calm so I thought that he was playing it cool because he thought I had invited her. After that other people started arriving and my friends got there 🤩🤩. All of them knew in an instant that I OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T invite Amelia. We played some baby shower games and everything was AMAZING! Then I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and Amelia followed me there. When I saw her I couldn't get away the urge to ask her who invited her ... so I did. This is what happened :

Kotoko : ( talking to her tummy 🤰🏻) okay baby what do you want to eat 😍? Do you want some chips or a little bit of noodles ?? Let's have some chips and later in the night grab another snack ...but don't tell you dad ☺️!

Amelia: Hi kotoko 😏! Soo what are you up to ??

Kotoko: Ohh Amelia I didn't see you coming into the kitchen ! But before I answer your question I really got to ask you and I don't mean to be mean but ... who invited you to my baby shower ??

Amelia: You seriously don't know ?!😆OMG this is sooo funny !

Kotoko: Just tell me Amelia... I'm not in the mood to fight with you right now.

Amelia: Well if you wanna know THAT bad why don't you ask YOUR husband 😏?? He must know

Kotoko: What do you mean??

Amelia: You ask him , I need to go. I work tomorrow , but I still wanted to come because I didn't want to decline the offer ... tell your husband I left ☺️

Kotoko: 😠

I got so mad ! I mean how could Irie-kun do this to me ! He didn't even tell me 😖 You know what ?! I don't need this right now ... I need to be relaxed ... I'll talk to him , he will have to explain this !

The party kept going on but since it was already 7:50pm Irie-kun was starting to tell everyone that he and I were going to sleep so that I had a lot of rest ... little did he know what was waiting for him upstairs... after being upstairs for like 10 min and changing into my pajama, Irie-kun came in. I got into the bed and started to pretend that I was studying something I has already studied while he changed into his pajama. After that he turned of the lights and he got in bed. I putted my book away and waited for him to get comfortable. Then I started taking...

Kotoko: Soooo did you like how everything went today ??

Irie-kun: Yeah , as long as you also had fun which you seemed you did 😏

Kotoko: Soo anything you wanna tell me ??

Irie-kun: No , why ?

Kotoko: Well if your not gonna be honest about your mistake then I'm gonna say it. Why did you invite Amelia ? ( I was trying so hard to stay calm !)

Irie-kun: Oh , that ? Yeah , I invited her because she came to me and said that she had heard you talking about your baby shower and she seemed sad that you didn't invite her so I thought that since it was my baby too I could invite her.

Kotoko: But why didn't you tell me ??

Irie-kun: Well I thought you wouldn't mind since you two don't seem like you hate each other plus she is my co-worker.

Kotoko: Irie-kun I told you who I would invite and you NEVER suggested HER. NEVER !

Irie-kun: Ok Kotoko , but you don't have to make it such a big deal ...

Kotoko: It is such a " big deal " because I talked to Amelia and she found out that I didn't know she was invited ! Now she must think that you never tell me anything !

Irie-kun: Ok , then next time, I'll tell you... now you should go to sleep , you need to rest.

Kotoko: First I'll go to the kitchen to get something...

Irie-kun: I'll go get it for you.

Kotoko: No , I want to go ... I'm pregnant but I can still do things.

Irie-kun: Ok , whatever you say ... I'll wait.

Kotoko: No , you should go to sleep.

Irie-kun: I wanna wait so don't worry.

Kotoko: whatever you say ...

HA ! He thinks I'm okay all of a sudden ?! Well NO ! I just wanna get some fresh air in the backyard... so I went to the backyard and stayed there like 10 min ... then I went inside and I grabbed a snack and sat on the table because I didn't want any crumbs on the room , because then Oka-san will have to clean it since now she wants to clean our room because I'm pregnant and I shouldn't get down or anything. The last thing I remember is that I was getting veryyy sleepy so I guess I must have fell asleep on the table. Then I felt some arms carrying me and getting me into bed but I was still sleepy so I went to sleep. When I woke up Irie-kun was beside me , watching me ☺️I know im supposed to be mad at him but he looked so cute while he was watching me! After that I looked at him and right then he kissed me lightly and he apologized for not telling me about inviting Amelia and I told him that I forgive him but that he couldn't do it again. It was an amazing day and I was already kind of excited because I am going to go have another appointment with the doctor tomorrow because I think I want a home birth now ... but I need to get a mid wife and talk to my doctor 😬...

Hi guys! Sorry ! I know it's been a lot of time since I updated but I want to thank you all for the beautiful comments you leave ❤️ Anyway guys 1k people have read this story isn't that so cool!! Thanks to everyone who is still reading this story 😁 see you in the next chapter ! 👋🏼

Hi guys! Sorry ! I know it's been a lot of time since I updated but I want to thank you all for the beautiful comments you leave ❤️ Anyway guys 1k people have read this story isn't that so cool!! Thanks to everyone who is still reading this story ...

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Itazura na kiss 3 {COMPLETED} ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant