Can't believe it - Chapter 24

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Irie's POV

Today at lunch I went looking for Kotoko, but she wasn't there. Her friends had told me that she had asked permission to leave early. I was shocked that she would leave and not tell me anything. Then a thought came to my head. She must have gone to watch Kotomi! That Kotoko!! I started to look for her contact when I got an emergency call. Since I had to go fast I decided to call Kotoko later.

The day went by and with all the things happening I forgot to call Kotoko. By the end of the day I saw that she was in the car with Kotomi. When I got in the car she started asking me about my day and I told her. It was such a long story that when I noticed we were already home. As I entered the house I was about to ask why she had left work but then I saw a little note in the kitchen. The note took me to another place in the house that also had a little note. And again and again and again. The last note said to go to me and Kotoko's bedroom. So that's where I went.

I saw that Kotoko was trying to hold back a laugh which made me even more suspicious of what was waiting over in our bedroom. As I opened the door I saw a string with notes and pictures of us. At the end of the string was a onesie. I couldn't believe it. I just stayed there in shock.

Kotoko then saw my face and saw that I was crying. How could I not?! We've been wanting another child for some time now but it never happened. Until now... Kotoko was pregnant again! I couldn't contain my excitement! We were having a new addition to the family! This was one of the best days of my life. Including the day when I got married to Kotoko, found out we were having Kotomi, when Kotoko gave birth to Kotomi, and now this... it was perfect.

All I could talk about that night was the baby. When Kotoko started getting sleepy I stopped because she needed to have all the rest she could get. That night was so special for the three of us. We slept cuddled.

Kotoko's POV

The next day I woke up, showered and then woke up Irie-kun and Kotomi. Irie-kun went to the kitchen to do the breakfast like always and I went to get Kotomi dressed. Today I dressed her in some black leggings and a bumblebee shirt. It was so cute! It even had glitter! I needed to take in these moments because before I know  it, Kotomi will want to start dressing on her own. After finishing we both went downstairs and sat down at the table to eat. Me and Irie-kun were going to made an appointment for next week with the doctor. This is our second baby so we kind of expect what she's gonna tell us but you never know!

We got in the car left Kotomi at school and arrived at the hospital. Irie-kun entered with a big smile which had people confused because he never smiled like that. Only for his patients. He always had a poker face so you never knew what he was thinking. Except me because I always figured out if he was sad , mad or... wow... I'm drifting off to another topic. Anyway! As I was saying everyone was confused. We kissed goodbye like always and went out separate ways but not before Irie-kun whispered in my ear to go to his office for lunch.

When I arrived to the nurses lockers, I put my things in and went over to my friends. My shift started in 10 minutes so I had some time to talk. As I approached my friends they quickly started bombarding me with questions.

Kotoko! I heard that Irie-kun seemed suspiciously happy... WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO?! - Marina asked

Ohh... really?? He seemed happier... that's rare I didn't notice - Kotoko

Stop playing Kotoko! You always know what Irie is thinking. - Keita said wanting to know more about what happened

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