Washington, D.C. - Chapter 16

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After some hours I woke up and went to the bathroom. As I sat down on my seat again I asked Marina how many more hours until we reached Washington.

Kotoko: How much moreeeeeee ?! I wanna be in Washington already !!

Marina: Kotoko!! Lower your voice , people are sleeping!

Kotoko: Oopsss🥴

Marina: Kotoko , remember that this flight is of 15h and 32m.

Kotoko: Ughh! That's so many hoursss

Marina: Well you slept for nine hours ... so now you just have to wait 6 more hours.

Kotoko: I slept for nine hours?! Well... I'm not surprised... people do say I sleep a lot ... jajajaja

Marina: JAJAJAJAJA that is true. Anyway you'll see that they will pass really fast!

Kotoko: I guess...

After talking with Marina I took out my phone and started listening to some music to help me pass the hours. One of the stewardess was asking people if they wanted something to eat and drink. When she came toward me I asked for a bag of peanuts and like 4 bags of Lays. I know what Irie-kun would say to me right now... "Kotoko! You need to eat healthier!"
I do eat healthy but once in a while it's okay to eat some chips! I also asked for some water. When the stewardess brought me what I asked I thanked her and started eating. I was starving even though oba-sama packed me some snacks. I already ate them...
Marina still had some of her snacks so she didn't ask for anything other than some juice. Finally after more hours of talking and eating we arrived to Washington D.C. !!! When we got down from the plane we all started calling our families to tell them that we arrived safely.

*Irie-kun's point of view*

I know that the flight was gonna take long but it just feels too much!! Right then I heard a phone ringing and I went running to answer it. Even mom looked at me surprised because of how fast I ran to get the phone.

Kotoko *over the phone* : Hellooo!! Hello ??

Irie-kun: Hey, did you arrive ??

Kotoko: Wow... was my husband waiting for my call🥴?!

Irie-kun: What makes you  think that?!

Kotoko: Well , the fact that the phone only ringed one time 😂

Irie-kun: Well the answer is no, I was close to the phone that's why I answered...

*Mom screaming so Kotoko could hear her over the phone* : He's lying Kotoko! He came running when he heard the phone ring!!!

Irie-kun: Mom!!

Kotoko: See?! I knew it Irie-kunnnnn ! You miss me a lot ! I didn't know you were gonna be this way... maybe I should go on trips daily from now on... 😏

Irie-kun: Whatever... anyway did you arrive ?? You never answered.

Kotoko: Oh! I did !! We are going to go to a barbecue place near the airport and then we are going over to the hotel. Tomorrow our shift starts so I'm super excited but nervous !!

Irie-kun: Ok, that good that you arrived safely. Kotomi is sleeping right now but I'll call you when she wakes up. And don't worry about tomorrow, you'll do great.

Kotoko: Ok! That sounds perfect! I'll make sure to be attentive to the phone so I answer fast. Well I gotta go but talk to you later, tell everyone I said goodbye! Muawh! (😘)

Irie-kun: Bye, eat healthy!!

Kotoko: Ok!

*Keita calling Kotoko* : Kotoko! Come on !!

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