Birth - Chapter 9

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( I fast -forwarded  to Kotoko baby's birth )

Last night everything was fine ... although I had little nausea. When I woke up this morning I was bleeding and I got sooo scared because I thought something bad had happened to my baby. I woke Irie-kun and told him my worries , he quickly took me to the hospital to check the baby. When we arrived the doctor was astonished , he said :

Doctor👩🏻‍⚕️: Kotoko ! You are having the baby right now !!! 😱😱😱 We are gonna start right now !

At first I was a little sad because I wanted to have the baby at home but the doctor said there wouldn't be time for the baby to arrive at home ☹️. After thinking that the doctor told her assistant to start preparing a room and to tell some other assistants to come. She also asked if I was okay if some interns saw the birth in which I said of course because if I was in their place I would love to see a birth even if it's not mine. Although Irie-kun was not that into it because he didn't want anyone seeing me like that, but I convinced him☺️. The birth went on for three hours , which were the most painful and beautiful hours. I was just glad that after all the hard work and the months carrying her in my tummy she was now in my and Irie-kun's hands. The doctor said we had to stay for three days and after that we could go with the baby back home. I am sooooo excited that I will get to show my baby to my father , Irie-kun's parents, his brother and everyone !!!! I wanna go from the hospital already because they don't cook the way oba-sama 😭😭😭I'm starving !

Three days after in the car on the way to our house :

Irie-kun: What do you wanna do today ??

Kotoko: I just had a baby , the only things that I want right now is food and rest 🤣

Irie-kun: Are you feeling good ??

Kotoko: I've never felt better in my entire life , have you ??

Irie-kun: ......I'm just scared , what if I'm not made to be a father ?

Kotoko: Irie-kun! You are father material ☺️☺️you will be an amazing father to our baby girl , Kotomi!!

Irie-kun: Thank you that means a lot Kotoko ♥️

Once we arrived Oba-sama had a party planned for us !!! She is definitely THE BEST 😭😍 Everyone was at the party , except for Amelia 😏Oba-sama really knows me. Anyway after all the celebrating and the eating me, Irie-kun , and the baby went up to sleep since it was already late. After putting her to sleep me and Irie-kun talked like never before 🥰

Iris-kun: Thank you so much Kotoko ! For giving me a daughter! For being patient with me.

Kotoko: AWWWWWWW IRIE-KUN !!!😭😭😭😍

Irie-kun: Kotoko ! You are gonna wake up the baby😂.

Kotoko: I'm sorry 😭I just love when you get all sentimental !

Irie-kun: 😏I love you Kotoko 🥰. You and Kotomi are the best things in my life .... and who knows maybe Kotomi could get a little sister or brother 😏😏

Kotoko: Ohhhh Am I hearing right 😏?? Who knows maybe .... Good night Irie-kun 🥰.

Irie-kun: Good night Kotoko 😘.

That day we slept like a whole family 🥰 that was the best night ever.

Photo does not belong to me 😉Hope you like today's chapter !! Sorry for taking long to update 😣😣 Hope you had a Merry Christmas , Hannuka, Three Kings day or whatever you celebrate ♥️🥳

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Photo does not belong to me 😉
Hope you like today's chapter !! Sorry for taking long to update 😣😣 Hope you had a Merry Christmas , Hannuka, Three Kings day or whatever you celebrate ♥️🥳

Itazura na kiss 3 {COMPLETED} ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora