3 days - Chapter 15

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It's been a week since Irie-kun's birthday. After we came back from the hotel we continued our routines as always. On Thursday the chief grouped the nurses in the morning and said that 10 nurses were gonna go to Washington, D.C. in USA on from Saturday to Monday. He started calling the names of the the nurses that were chosen which some were Marina , Keita, Tomoko  and the last name he called was mine! I was so surprised and excites! Surprised because I didn't think they would have chosen me and excited because I've never been to USA! That was all we could think about all day! Motoki was sad she couldn't go because she was sick but we tried to cheered her up over the phone that she'll go next time! After work we went to Kareoke to celebrate but I  only stayed for two songs because I wanted to get home and tell my family the news. Plus I couldn't wait to see Kotomi, my sweet little peach🥺
After saying my goodbyes to everyone I went home. As I entered the house... :

*opening the door*

Oba-sama: KOTOKO !! 😩😩 I was so worried! You didn't call and since you always come earlier I was getting really scared!!!

Kotoko: Ohh ! I'm sorry Oba-sama! My phone didn't have any battery left and I went to Karaoke with my friends. I thought Irie-kun would have told you.
* I immediately looked at Irie-kun , who had a smirk in his face *

Oba-sama: So you knew all this time and didn't say anything ?! IRI-

Irie-kun: I'm sorry!! It was just so funny to see your face all worked up.

Oba-sama: Well you shouldn't play with me! What if something had really happened to Kotoko?!

Irie-kun: I knew where my wife was the whole time , so no need to worry 🙄

It's ridiculous how much I still blush when Irie-kun calls me his wife 😍 I should be used to it but I just don't think I will ever stop blushing when he calls me his wife! After my little blushing episode I went to get Kotomi from papa's hands because she was getting cranky which meant she was tired. After grabbing her I told everyone to sit down on the couch because I got some great news that they told me today at work! Everyone looked at themselves nervous which was weird because I told them it was good news! I swear this people shock me sometimes... I started talking while holding Kotomi and swinging back and forth to put her to sleep.

Kotoko: So... today the chief grouped all the nurses in the lounge to talk to us about 10 nurses that were being chosen to go to Washington, D.C. and I am one of those nurses!!!

* Everyone looked at each other shocked *

Yuki: They chose you to go to USA ?! You barely know how to speak English!! JAJAJAJAJAJA

Kotoko: HEYY! We are going with a translator plus I'm gonna learn some basic words I'll need until Saturday!

Oba-sama: Well , I for one think it's amazing!! I wish I could go to cook you some food over there and I'm gonna miss you so much!! 🥺

Irie-kun: Well , I won't say those news weren't shocking but that's great Kotoko !

Both my dad and Irie-kun's dad were happy. After that I went upstairs to put Kotomi in her crib because she had fallen asleep... everytime I look at her she reminds me so much of Irie-kun even though Irie-kun says she acts more like me. One thing we agreed on is that she definitely has Irie-kun's eyes🥰
I turned around to go take some clothes out of the cabinet to take a shower when I see Irie-kun sitting on the bed. As I was passing him to go to the cabinet he grabbed me and quickly put me in his lap.

Kotoko: Irie-kun !!

Irie-kun: I just want to hold you for some time... I never thought I would say this to anyone but I'm gonna miss you Kotoko ... even though it's only three days.

Was Irie-kun saying he was gonna miss me?! Everyday he opens up more and more and each time I'm caught off guard!

Kotoko: I'm gonna miss you so much Irie-kun 🥺
*I said while hugging him hard*

Irie-kun: I really hope you have a great time over there. Plus I'll have three daddy-daughter days with Kotomi.

Kotoko: I hope you guys have an amazing time!

Irie-kun: Call me everyday after you finish your shift.

Kotoko: Of course Irie-kun! Now let's go take a bath shall we ?!

Irie-kun: Ok😂

The days went on really fast and before I knew it I had to go to the airport. I said goodbye to everyone and gave Irie-kun and Kotomi a kiss. Before leaving I also told Irie-kun how he would have to deal with Kotomi these days.

Kotoko: I left enough milk until I come back but in case she wants more use the backup milk I left in a back corner! Don't forget to check her underwear daily! Don't let her take a nap until 12pm, then a nap at 4 pm and then put her to sleep at 8pm so that she sleeps all night or almost all night. Make sure that she doesn't lose her stuffed panda because then she gets all cranky... I don't think I'm forgetting anything 😖 If you need anything ask your mother for help and after I call you you can also ask me for help...well I think that is all , I love you so much! Bye everybody!!

Irie-kun: Okay , okay !! Love you too , bye ! Have a safe flight.

*Everybody else waved me goodbye*

I said my goodbyes and got into the airport. After entering I went over to the gate I was supposed to be and I met my friends there. It didn't take long for the airline to start telling us to get on. We each sat down on our seats and put our seatbelt on. I texted Irie-kun that I was already on the plane and that I would text him when I arrived to USA. I was so nervous when the airplane started to move but it quickly went up to the sky and I started talking with Marina who was seated next to me. She talked to me about her and Funastu and I told her some stories about Kotomi. After a while she got up to go to the bathroom and I went to sleep...

 After a while she got up to go to the bathroom and I went to sleep

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This time I did a longer chapter , hope you like it!
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